No. 314.
Count Lewenhaupt to Mr. Evarts.
Washington, August 6, 1877. (Received August 6.)
Mr. Secretary of State: The international penitentiary commission having decided, during its session at Brussels in the month of March last, that the International Prison Congress, accepting the invitation addressed to it by the King’s government through Mr. Almgirst, director-general of prisons in Sweden, and member of the commission, should meet at Stockholm during the second half of the month of August, 1878, the government of the King has undertaken to inform foreign governments of this fact.
In performing this duty, the government of the King desires to express the hope that all the states of the civilized world will furnish evidence, by an extensive participation both of their interest in the lofty and important object proposed by the congress, and of their cordial approval of the generous initiative taken by its president, Dr. Wines. For its part, the government of the King will take all measures calculated to facilitate the labors of the congress.
I have been instructed to bring the foregoing to your excellency’s notice, and to inform you that the Government of the King would be very glad to see the Government of the United States represented on this occasion by one or more official delegates.
Reserving until hereafter the announcement of the precise date of the meeting of the Congress, I have the honor to renew to your excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.