No. 309.
Mr. Andrews to Mr. Fish.

No. 359.]

Sir: In my No. 336 on pauperism, I stated that full and correct returns of pauperism in Sweden might be expected at a subsequent date. Such returns for the year 1874 are now going through the press, and from some advance sheets which have been kindly loaned to me by Dr. Berg, chief of the bureau of statistics, I am able to give the following summary as a supplement to my said number 336:

In country districts with a population of 3,734,787: Number of pauper districts, 2,376, and of sub-districts, 645; poor-houses, 1,888, with room for 20,634 persons; number of persons receiving direct support, 116,27,0, of whom 26,233 were under fifteen years of age; number of children receiving indirect support, 32,600, making in all receiving support, 148,870. The number of persons receiving full support was 29,372, with whom belonged 1,880 children. The mortality of adults was 5,514, of children 186.
In the cities, there feeing ninety-five, with an aggregate population of 606,772: Number of poor-houses, 122, with room for 8,498 persons; number of persons receiving direct support, 29,760, of whom 7,686 were under fifteen years of age; number of children receiving indirect support, 10,363; total receiving support, 40,123. The number of persons receiving full support was 7,592, with whom belonged 186 children. The mortality of adults was 1,908, of children 105.
From the foregoing it appears that for the whole of Sweden, with a population of 4,341,559, there were 188,993 persons, or 4.3 per cent, of the population, who, in 1874, received part or full support from the public.

I have, &c.,