No. 284.
Mr. Evarts
to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of
Washington, November 2, 1877.
To His Excellency Chow Phya Bhanu
Maha Kosa Dhepoti, the Phraklang,
Minister for Foreign Affairs for the Government of Siam:
The undersigned, Secretary of State of the United States, has the honor to address his excellency the minister of foreign affairs of Siam, in relation to the valuable collection of articles prepared by the Government of Siam for presentation to the Government of the United States. This collection having been intrusted by the King of Siam to a vessel of the United States Navy for conveyance to this country, it was on its arrival received by the Secretary of the Navy, who has been directed by the President to express, through the undersigned, to His Majesty the King of Siam the high appreciation which the Government of the United States entertains of the liberality and good feeling that prompted the presentation of this interesting and instructive collection, which will be to our government and people evidence of the progress Siam has made, and is making, in the arts of civilization.
In compliance with the direction of the President, the undersigned has the honor of transmitting the letter addressed to him by the Secretary of the Navy, which the President requests may be communicated to the King. From its perusal the King will be convinced of the care with which his generous gift will be cherished by the government in the highest of the scientific institutions of the United States.
The undersigned avails himself of this occasion to offer to his excellency a renewed assurance of his high consideration.