No. 262.
Mr. Moran to Mr. Evarts.

No. 153.]

Sir: I had the honor on the 26th instant to receive your No. 89, and -I immediately addressed to the Marquis d’Avila a letter, informing his [Page 462] excellency of the intention of the Navy Department to send a vessel to Lisbon, not later than November next, to begin observations touching the telegraphic longitudes of South America; and at the same time, in compliance with your instructions, conveyed to him the thanks of the Navy Department for the courteous co operation of the Portuguese Government in this useful work.

I inclose a copy of the letter in question, and am, sir, &c.,


Monsieur le Ministre: I had the honor to address a letter to your excellency’s predecessor, Mr. Corvo, on the 19th of December last, requesting the co-operation of His Most Faithful Majesty’s government with the United States Navy Department in determining telegraphically from Paris the longitudes of both coasts of South America.

I received from Mr. Corvo a most cordial reply, dated 10th of January ultimo, offering co-operation, and stating that orders had been given to that effect. I further received from your excellency a note, dated the 8th of last March, informing me that instructions had already been given to the proper officers in the Azores, Madeira, and continental Portugal to render assistance to the United States Navy in this useful work.

I communicated both these letters to my government, and I have now the honor, in compliance with their instructions, to offer the sincere thanks of the Navy Department of the United States for the courteous assent of the Portuguese Government to their proposals.

I am desired, however, to add that the Secretary of the Navy does not propose to commence taking observations until next November, when he will send a vessel to Lisbon for that purpose.

I avail myself of this opportunity of renewing to your excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.


His Excellency the Marquis d’Avila e de Bolama,
Minister and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.