No. 253.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Moran.

No. 62.]

Sir: I inclose a copy of a letter of the Secretary of the Navy, dated the 18th instant, in which he suggests the desirability of the co-operation of the Governments of Portugal and Brazil in the determination, telegraphically from Paris, of the longitudes of both coasts of South America.

You are requested to present the suggestion of the Navy Department to the Government of Portugal, and to inform me of its reply at your early convenience.

An instruction similar to this will be addressed to the minister at Bio de Janeiro.

I am, &c.,


Mr. Robeson to Mr. Fish.

Sir: For the purpose of adding to the safety of navigation, it seems desirable that the longitudes of both coasts of South America should be determined telegraphically from Paris, and that the Portuguese and Brazilian Governments should be invited to co-operate with a sufficient force belonging to our Navy to attain that end.

Should one or both of the governments be pleased to co-operate, our naval parties would take up the work at any point or points desired by them in the Atlantic, whether at Lisbon, the island of Maderia, the Azores, or Rio de Janeiro, and would continue the work across the continent and along the western coast of South America, wherever the telegraphic line might exist, and with the approval, concurrence, and such aid as Chili and Peru might be disposed to render.

Should either of the governments find it inconvenient to co-operate and be disposed to allow our naval parties the necessary facilities, as has been cordially done by several governments in the West Indies, the work will be executed by us at the earliest period that may be found practicable by this department.

I am, &c.,