No. 24.
Mr. Delaplaine to Mr. Fish.
Vienna, February 26, 1877. (Received March 16.)
Sir: I received on the 24th instant your No. 21, and without delay I advised Sir Andrew Buchanan of the arrival of your instructions in the matter therein referred to, he having some days previously intimated at the legation his anticipation of their coming. We engaged to arrange at the foreign office for an early interview with Count Andrássy, and he afterwards communicated to me that it would take place to-day at noon.
At the interview I presented to his excellency a copy of the treaty of [Page 25] Washington, of May 8, 1871, together with a note drawn in accordance with the form inclosed in your dispatch, and almost identical with the note which was presented by the British ambassador.
The count, in reply, expressed his conviction that His Majesty would with pleasure direct his ambassador at London to act in compliance with the joint desire of the two governments, and name a third commissioner, and that in such event he would transmit by telegraph the requisite instructions to Count Beust.
I have, &c.,