No. 239.
Mr. Caldwell to Mr. Evarts.
Montevideo, April 24, 1877. (Received June 11.)
Sir: Intelligence has just arrived, by telegraph, of the assassination, of Juan Bautista Gill, President of the Republic of Paraguay. He was shot in the street on his way to the government house, on the 12th instant, by one Morlas, an ex-officer of the Dictator Lopez. On the same day the brother of the President, Emilio Gill, a general of the republic, was barbarously assassinated and mutilated by Colonel Goiburú, also an ex-officer of Lopez. The assassins escaped from Asuncion, and, at last advices, were in the country with followers, attempting a revolution; [Page 433] with what success is not yet known, as reports are very contradictory. The head of the revolution is believed to be Rivarola, a former President of Paraguay.
Immediately on the death of President Gill; Vice-President Higinio Uriarte assumed command, called out the national guard, assembled the congress, and took the oath of office. The congress at once declared the whole republic under martial law for one mouth. The new President retains the cabinet of his predecessor. There are rumors of severe combats, but as yet nothing trustworthy.
I have, &c.,