No. 214.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Foster.
of State,
Washington, December 20,
No. 357.]
Sir: Your dispatch No. 465 of the 28th ultimo has
been received. It represents that the government of Porfirio Diaz had
applied for a loan of $500,000, and had represented that $300,000 of the
amount would be payable to this government in the course of next month. The
exact sum payable will, however, depend upon the construction placed upon
the fourth and sixth articles of the original convention of the 4th of July,
1868, and the second article of the convention for extending the functions
of the umpire of the 29th of April last. According to one construction, the
deduction from the amount awarded of Mexico’s share of the expenses of the
joint commission might be distributed through the several periods at which
payments are to be made by her, including that of the 31st of next month.
Pursuant to another construction, Mexico would have the privilege of
deducting the whole sum due to her on that account from her first
I transmit a copy of a protocol, with an accompanying account of the expenses
of the joint commission, signed by Mr. Mariscal and myself on the 14th
instant. These papers have been framed with deliberation and care, and, as
is believed, state fully and accurately all necessary particulars for a
comprehension of the subject at a glance. The account shows that there is a
balance of $57,499.01 in favor of Mexico. If, therefore, she should think
proper to deduct this amount from the first installment payable to the
United States, that sum would be correspondingly lessened. If, however, she
should prefer to distribute the sum over the several periods at which the
payments are to be made, the amount due from her on account of the first
payment would be increased accordingly.
We are not indisposed to allow Mexico her option in this matter. The
pecuniary amount of the difference between the one course and the other is
to us at least comparatively unimportant.
We are not aware of the method which Mexico will adopt for making the
payment. If, however, it should be offered in dollars at the city of Mexico,
there would be more or less risk and expense in remitting that amount hither
in specie. It is consequently preferable that the remittance should be in
good bills either on the United States or on England.
[Page 389]
It is not deemed necessary to send you a formal power to receive the payment,
but if it should be made to you, and any questions should arise as to your
authority, you may show this instruction as proof in the matter.
I am, &c.,
Whereas the commission for the adjustment of claims provided for by the
convention between the United States and the Mexican Republic of the 4th
of July, 1868, stipulates in its sixth article that the compensation to
be paid to the umpire shall be determined by mutual consent at the close
of the convention;
And whereas the said commission, though continued from time to time by
subsequent conventions, has concluded its functions and come to a
And whereas the same article stipulates that the whole expenses of the
commission, including contingent expenses, shall be defrayed by a
ratable deduction on the amount of the sums awarded by that commission:
Provided always, That such deduction shall
not exceed five per cent, on the sums so awarded, the deficiency, if
any, to be defrayed in moieties by the two governments:
Now, therefore, the undersigned, Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, and
Don Ignacio Mariscal, accredited to the Government of the United States
as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the Mexican
Republic, have this day met for a consideration of these subjects, and
have determined that the compensation of the umpire aforesaid shall be
at the rate of six thousand dollars a year. Consequently, deducting the
advances made by each government to Dr. Lieber during the time of his
service as umpire, there remains the sum of eighteen thousand five
hundred and fifty dollars ($18,550) for compensation of the umpire,
one-half payable by each government.
The advances and payments made to Dr. Lieber were six thousand one
hundred and thirty-nine dollars and seventy-two cents ($6,139.72) paid
by each government, in all twelve thousand two hundred and seventy-nine
dollars and forty-four cents ($12,279.44).
The expenses of the commission contemplated in Article VI of the
convention, including the contingent expenses, have amounted to one
hundred and seventy-eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-eight
dollars and forty-six cents ($178,738.46), equal to four per cent, and
seventeen thousand nine hundred and ninety-two one hundred thousandths
(4 17992/100000)of one per cent, on the total amount of awards on both
The undersigned have also caused the account hereunto annexed to be
stated, and have approved the same under their respective hands.
Secretary of
Washington, December 14,
Statement of account of United States and Mexican
Claims Commission.
awards and expenses of
Awards against Mexico: |
I. |
In Mexican gold dollars. |
$3,296,055 18 |
II. |
In U. S. gold coin |
426,624 98 |
III. |
In currency |
04 |
20 |
at a percentage of 4.17992, yields. |
$172,447 75 |
Awards against United States: |
I. |
In Mexican gold dollars. |
50,528 57 |
II. |
In U. S. gold coin |
10,559 67 |
III. |
In currency |
89,410 17 |
41 |
at a percentage of 4.17992, yields. |
6,290 71 |
Total |
4,276,120 61 |
at a percentage of 4.17992,yields. |
178,738 46 |
Expenses of commission, one-half to be borne by each
government |
46 |
Moiety of expenses |
89,369 23 |
[Page 390]
Paid by Mexico: |
Salary of commissioner from July 1,1869, to January
31, 1876, 6 years and 7 months, @ $4,500 |
$29,625 00 |
Salary of secretary from May 1, 1869, to December 31,
1876, 7 years and 6 months, @ $2,500 |
18,750 00 |
Umpire, Dr. Lieber, from September 6, 1869, to
October l, 1872, @ $3,000 |
$6,139 72 |
Umpire, Sir Edward Thornton, from October 17, 1873,
to November 20, 1876, 3 years and 1 month. |
9,275 00 |
15,414 72 |
Total amount paid by Mexico |
63,789 72 |
Paid by United States: |
For same services, same rates and time |
63,789 72 |
Also joint contingent expenses |
51,159 02 |
Total amount paid by United States |
114,948 74 |
Total amount of expenses paid as above |
46 |
Moiety of same as above |
89,369 23 |
Secretary of
balance of account.
From sheet No. 1. Award against United States |
$150,498 41 |
at 4.17992% |
$6,290 71 |
From sheet No. 1. Award against Mexico |
20 |
at 4.17992% |
75 |
4,276,120 61 |
at 4.17992% |
178,738 46 |
From sheet No. 1. Expenses paid by United States |
114,948 74 |
From sheet No. 1. Expenses paid by Mexico |
63,789 72 |
Total expenses |
178,738 46 |
Account of the United States.
Dr. |
Cr. |
To amount of percentage on award against Mexico |
$172,447 75 |
By amount of disbursements on account of expenses |
$114,948 74 |
Balance |
57,499 01 |
75 |
75 |
Balance against the United States |
57,499 01 |
Account of Mexico.
Dr. |
Cr. |
To amount of percentage on award against United States |
$6,290 71 |
By amount of disbursements on account of expenses |
$63,789 72 |
57,499 01 |
63,789 72 |
63,789 72 |
Balance in favor of Mexico |
57,499 01 |
Secretary of