No. 181.
Count Litta to Mr. Evarts.


Mr. Secretary of State: Referring to the conversation which I had the honor to have with you day before yesterday, I hasten herewith to transmit to you a copy of the proclamation of neutrality which appeared in the Official Gazette of the kingdom of the 28th ultimo.

Be pleased to accept, Mr. Secretary of State, the assurances of the very high consideration with which I have the honor to be,

Very truly, yours,

[Page 334]
[Inclosure. —Translation.]

ministry of foreign affairs.

War having been declared between Russia and Turkey, and Italy being at peace-with both these powers, it is the duty of the Government of the King and the citizens of the kingdom scrupulously to observe neutrality according to the laws in force and the general principles of international law. Those who violate their duties as neutrals shall not be entitled to the protection of the royal government and its agents, and will incur the penalties provided by the special and general laws of the state.