No. 18.
Mr. Beale
to Mr. Fish.
Legation of
the United States,
Vienna, November 2, 1876.
(Received November 20.)
No. 15.]
Sir: I have received from the minister for foreign
affairs a circular note, communicating the existing regulation in this
empire bearing upon the deportment and salutes to be exhibited and tendered
towards members of the army of other countries who may appear in military
uniform, under the condition, however, that reciprocal attention shall be
observed in those countries towards members of the Austro-Hungarian army. I
am requested to submit this fact to the knowledge of the United States
government, and accordingly append a copy of the note, which is in the
French language, together with a translation.
I have, &c.,
note verbal.
According to the regulation introduced into the Austro-Hungarian array,
and sanctioned by His Majesty the Emperor and King, all the members of
the armed forces appear in uniform whether at home or abroad; then the
sentinels and guards are required to render to the troops, flags, and
military of other powers, without exception, the same honors as to the
troops, flags, and military of the said army.
It is further the duty of the imperial and royal military officials, who
may be abroad on leave of absence, and who desire there to wear their
uniforms, that they present themselves before the military authorities
of the station where they are passing their leave of absence.
While adding, that the regulation of courtesy in question has been
enacted upon condition of reciprocity, the imperial-royal ministry for
foreign affairs begs to request the legation of the United States of
America to be pleased to convey the foregoing to the knowledge of its
Vienna, October 30,