No. 150.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Pierrepont.
Washington, December 5, 1876.
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It would appear from your last telegram that Brent had been arrested by some preliminary warrant and committed for extradition, and that the warrant for his extradition would be delayed for the period of fifteen days; and from the statement that he would not contest the warrant, it is supposed that no habeas corpus will be applied for, and that the question which the British Government has supposed would arise [Page 280] upon an attempt to surrender a fugitive will not in this case-be brought before the court.
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As to these three cases, I will thank you to furnish me, from time to time, with accurate and careful information as to the particular proceedings taken by the authorities of Great Britain in each case, with the dates, and, as far as practicable, a copy of the papers relating to each, as accurate and detailed information is desired in reference to the successive steps which may be taken to bring the treaty again into operation.
I am, &c.,