No. 121.
Mr. Hearts
to Mr. Pierrepont.
Washington, May 22, 1877.
Sir: A communication under date of the 16th instant has been received from the Secretary of the Navy, in which he states that private advices have reached the Navy Department from Capt. Allen Young, of Her Majesty’s ship Pandora, to the effect that he has obtained relics of the United States steamer Polaris from Littleton Island, which place he visited subsequently to Sir George Nares, and inquiring in what manner they can be forwarded to this government if desired.
The Secretary of the Navy asks that you may be requested to communicate with the proper authorities in regard to the matter, and to state that you will be happy to receive the relics of the Polaris, at the same time expressing the thanks of the Navy Department for the preservation and presentation of those interesting curiosities.
I have to request that the wishes of the Secretary of the Navy in regard to this matter may be complied with, and that you will forward the articles in question to this Department for transmission to the Navy Department.
I am, &c.,