No. 119.
Mr. Pierrepont to Mr. Fish.
London, March 6, 1877. (Received March 19.)
Sir: Referring to your dispatch, No. 102, of the 13th ultimo, I have the honor to say that, on the 28th of February last, I had a formal interview with Lord Derby, and we agreed to send an identic note to the Austrian ambassador, if we could agree upon the terms of the note.
On the 1st of March, we again met at the foreign office, and agreed upon the note in the very language of your draught sent in your instructions No. 102. The two identic notes were sent to the Austrian ambassador on that day, and his reply was received by me on the 2d of March instant, a copy of which reply is herewith inclosed. By this you will see that Mr. Delfosse, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of the Belgians at Washington, has been named as the third commissioner, of which fact I advised you by cable on the 2d instant.
I have, &c.,