No. 806.
Mr. Russell to Mr. Fish.

No. 12.]

Sir: I have the honor to report the following facts, which are of interest to nations having relations with Venezuela:

[Page 1217]
An embassy has arrived from Colombia, having at its head Dr. Morillo, formerly president and minister to the United States, and has been received with extraordinary honors. The intention of both governments appears to be to settle peaceably and promptly all pending questions between the two republics.
The minister of foreign relations has returned from Maracaibo, where he has been serving as governor of Zulia. From this date he relieves the acting minister and takes charge of the foreign office. He is the distinguished statesman Jacinto Gutierrez.
Grave questions have arisen between this government and that of Italy from the seizure by the authorities of Venezuela of the brig “Edouard,” and the arrest of her captain, A. Carodini, on the charge that in 1870 said vessel, then th’e property of other owners, and commanded by another master, carried from La Guayra to Curaçoa one Teserun, a public enemy of government, and having no passport. The vessel is at La Guayra, with the colors of Venezuela flying. The Italian charge awaits final instructions from his government.

I shall report fully if the matter should threaten to become serious.

I am, &c.