No. 52.
Mr. Shannon
to Mr. Fish.
(Petropolis,) Rio de Janeiro, February 12, 1874. (Rec’d April 7.)
Sir: During a conversation which I had with the Viscount de Caravellas at the foreign office on the 23d ultimo, I was informed that this government had finally resolved to take into favorable consideration the various representations which had been made to it by Mr. Partridge, from time to time during the past year; so that in the revision of the tariff, now all but completed, full regard would be shown American products, and that the article of flour in particular would be placed on a footing most favorable to our commerce.
The Viscount also intimated that his reason for thus verbally referring to the subject before the publication of the tariff was the rumor that our Congress was about to replace the tax, on coffee, and he desired, [Page 81] therefore, that I would make known at Washington the benevolent intentions of the Brazilian government in this regard.
During another conversation which I had with the Viscount yesterday upon the same subject, I requested more precise information as to the advantages secured to American products by the revision. He could only say, however, in general, that the tax had been lightened (“alliviado”) on kerosene, rosin, and flour; and he also intimated that whether the coffee-tax were put on again or not, this favorable treatment of those articles of American commerce was already an accomplished fact.
The new tariff, it is said, will shortly be published. So soon as I shall have obtained a copy and learned exactly what alterations have been made, I will refer to the matter again.
I am, &c.,