No. 508.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Westenberg.
of State,
Washington, May 6,
Sir: Referring to your note of the 11th of March
last, relative to the abolition of discriminating duties on goods, the
product of countries east of the Cape of Good Hope, when imported from
places west thereof, so far as such discrimination may operate directly
against the commerce of the Netherlands, I have now the honor to inclose
herewith, for your information, a copy of a letter of the 4th instant upon
the subject, from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
Accept, &c,
Mr. Sawyer to Mr.
Treasury Department,
D. C., May 4,
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo, in which, calling attention
to your previous letter of the 19th of March last, and its inclosure, a
translation of a note from the Netherlands minister, in relation to the
abolition of discriminating duties on goods, the product of countries
east of the Cape of Good Hope, when imported from places west thereof,
so far as such discrimination may operate directly against the commerce
of the Netherlands, you ask that the same may be considered, and that
you may be furnished with an expression of the views of this Department
on the subject-matter thereof.
In reply, I would state that the delay on the part of this Department in
answering such letter is owing to the fact that the question involved
was submitted to the Solicitor of the Treasury, for opinion, and that no
response has, as yet, been received from him. As soon as the opinion of
the Solicitor is received, the Department will promptly communicate with
you further on the subject.
I am, &c,