No. 46.
Mr. Partridge to Mr. Fish.
(Petropolis,) Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 23, 1873. (Received Oct. 22.)
Sir: The orçaniento, or budget, relating to the expenditures and revenues of Brazil during the present and succeeding years (1874–’75) [Page 70] passed by the assembly just adjourned, estimates the yearly receipts at fifty-two (52) millions of dollars, and the expenditures at something more than forty nine millions and a quarter. The estimated receipts show an expected gradual increase from both import and export dues, and the authorized expenditures are increased in proportion.
Authority is also given to the ministry in its respective departments—
- 1st.
- To re-adjust the official value (pauta) of imports upon which duties are calculated.
- 2d.
- To consolidate the additional duties (imposed during the Paraguayan war) of 5 per cent., and the further percentages of 28 and 21, into a surtax of from 30 per cent, to 40 per cent. upon goods now taxed 40 per cent, to 50 per cent.
- 3d.
- To re-classify goods now taxed by weight.
- 4th.
- To continue for five years free imports and exports through Corumbá, in Matto Grosso, on the Bolivian frontier.
- 5th.
- To reduce the anchorage-dues to 200 (10 cents) reis per metric ton, levied on all foreign merchant-vessels not putting in, bringing 100 immigrants entering in franquia, (i. e., as mail-packets,) or having paid the dues six times in the year.
- 6th.
- To continue the permission to foreign vessels to engage in the larger coasting-trade.
- 7th.
- To grant fifty milreis (50$000) a ton bounty, exemption from anchorage-dues, and other favors, to home-built vessels.
- 8th.
- To permit crews of two-thirds foreigners, including master and mate.
- 9th.
- To permit Brazilians domiciled abroad to own Brazilian vessels.
- 10th.
- To relieve from export duties timber and other Brazilian materials used in repairs of foreign vessels.
- 11th.
- To reduce to one-half the taxes and expenses on salvage.
In some of these measures American commerce is interested, especially in those which propose a reform in the basis for the assessment of customs duties. I have already made known to the Department my communication to the foreign office here, complaining of some inequalities in this respect which operate to the special disadvantage of American products, and which I have asked them to correct in return for our liberality in the free admission of coffee. They have promised to give this due attention, and I will not be wanting in efforts to recall this promise to memory at the proper time.
It will be seen that the government, by these measures, has made some efforts toward a more liberal policy in respect to commerce and navigation; and if they shall lessen the present enormous charges in respect of wrecks, salvage, anchorage-dues, repairs, (export duties on timber used for such,) &c., it will be of great assistance to foreign commerce.
I have, &c.,