No. 336.
Mr. Watson
to Mr. Fish.
Sir: In reply to your letter of the 27th instant, which I received last evening, I have the honor to inform you that I telegraphed to you this morning as follows, “The boundary-line between Labrador is a line drawn due north and south from the Bay or Harbor of Ance Sablon, inclusive, as far as fifty-second degree of north latitude. (See Imperial Statutes 6, George IV, cap. 59.) Labrador is under the jurisdiction of Newfoundland.”
I informed you at the same time that I should communicate to you the dispatch on the subject which I expect from Lord Dufferin, so soon as I receive it.
I regret much if you have been put to any inconvenience by the delay in replying to your note to Sir Edward Thornton, of the 19th of June last.
I have, &c.,