No. 335.
Mr. Fish
to Sir Edward Watson.
Washington, July 27, 1874.
Sir: Referring to my note of the 19th of June last to Sir Edward Thorton, inquiring as to whether Labrador forms a part of the Dominion of Canada, and making some other inquiries as to the jurisdiction over that dependency, and referring also to a conversation I subsequently held with yourself, when you informed me that a telegram you had received on the subject was not sufficiently clear to enable you to satisfy my inquiries, and that you were expecting fuller information by mail, I take the liberty of recalling your attention to the subject, in the hope that you may have further information to communicate to me by this time in relation to it. I am the more anxious to learn the exact political relations of Labrador to the Dominion government and that of other provinces, on account of cases that have arisen in the Treasury Department, the decision of which depends in a measure upon your reply.
I have, &c.,