No. 212.
Mr. Wing to Mr. Fish.

No. 382.

Sir: I have this day sent to the government of Ecuador a copy of the “act authorizing coinage to be executed at the mints of the United States for foreign countries.”

I presume that this government will eventually desire to avail itself of the benefit of this act.

No. 1 is a copy of my communication to Minister Leon.

I have, &c.,


P. S.—I have just received an official note from Minister Leon, of which 1 and 2 are copy and translation.

R. W.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Wing to Señor Leon.

Sir: Attached hereto your excellency will please find a copy of an “Act authorizing coinage to be executed at the mints of the United States for foreign countries,” and which I have been instructed to deliver to your excellency. This act was approved January 29, 1874.

With assurances of my very distinguished consideration,

I have, &c.,


His Excellency Señor Francisco Javier Leon,
Minister for Foreign Affairs, &c.

[Page 396]
[Inclosure 2 in No. 382.—Translation.]

Señor Leon to Mr. Wing.

The undersigned, minister of foreign affairs of Ecuador, has the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the esteemed notes which, under date of the 28th ultimo, your excellency the minister of the American Union was pleased to send him.

The first informs the undersigned that your excellency has received instructions from your Government to present to the government of Ecuador the annexed copy of “the International Code of Signals for all nations, published under the authority of the American Secretary of the Navy,” and the second refers to a copy of the act allowing foreign nations to coin money in the mints of the United States.

The undersigned is happy to give to your excellency the most expressive thanks in the name of his government for the remission of the aforesaid documents, which will be preserved with all the esteem that their importance merits.

The undersigned is pleased to avail himself of this opportunity, &c.,