Correspondence between the Department of State and the United States Consul at Bucharest relative to the persecution and oppression of Israelites in Roumania.

[472] No. 473.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[473] No. 474.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[474] No. 475.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[475] No. 476.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[476] No. 477.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[477] No. 478.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[478] No. 479.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[479] No. 480.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[480] No. 481.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[481] No. 482.
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Peixotto.

[482] No. 483.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Peixotto.

[483] No. 484.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[484] No. 485.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

[485] No. 486.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Fish.

[486] No. 487.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Peixotto.

[487] No. 488.
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Peixotto.

[488] No. 489.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Fish

[489] No. 490.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Fish.

[490] No. 491.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Peixotto.

[491] No. 492.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Fish.