No. 485.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.

No. 30.]

Sir: On Monday, the 15th instant, at Buzeo, the five Israelites, including the rabbi and the president of the community, accused as accomplices of the thief Silberman, were tried and condemned to three years’ imprisonment.

This verdict was given in face of the most positive evidence of their innocence, the thief himself confessing to his guilt and exculpating them, and the attorney-general declaring that he, although public prosecutor, must abandon the accusation, there being absolutely no case, adding that he was astounded that the court, of putting in accusation of Foksani, should have held these unhappy men for three months on such baseless testimony.

On Wednesday, the 18th instant, the individuals accused of the gravest [Page 690] excesses against the Israelites of Vilcor, and whose guilt was proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, were acquitted en bloc.

Those of Cabool will be tried to-day, when the same result will no doubt be reached. These two verdicts, following each other, so gravely periling the security of the Israelite population during the impending (Greek) Easter, has led the diplomatic and consular corps, in obedience to the general and special instructions received from their respective governments, to unite in a collective note to the Princier government, copies of which (in the original French and English translation) I have the honor herewith to transmit.

All the members of the corps at present in the city, except the Russian, have signed the same.

I trust it will have the approbation of the President.

I am, sir, &c., &c.,


The undersigned deem it their duty to address to the government of the prince, collectively, and in the most formal manner, the verbal observations which most of them have been ordered by their governments to present to it in relation to the Israelitish question. They cannot, in the first place, help expressing their astonishment that the result of the investigation, ordered in Roumanian Bessarabia more than two months since, has not yet been communicated to them, notwithstanding the assurance contained in the note of the minister of foreign affairs, bearing date of the 7–19th of February last.

They have, morever, learned with profound regret that, after having condemned several Israelites to severe penalties, the prosecution of whom was abandoned by the public ministry itself, the court of assizes at Buzeo has acquitted all the individuals who were charged with having committed the gravest excesses and crimes against the Jewish population of the town of Vilcor. The undersigned see, in this double verdict, an indication of the dangers to which Israelites are exposed in Roumania, the imminence of which, at the approach of the Easter holidays, justified the steps recently taken by them simultaneously near the government of the prince. The governments of the undersigned will judge whether the impunity which has been enjoyed by the assailants of the Jews is not of a nature to encourage a repetition of scenes of violence quite unworthy of a civilized country, which, as such, ought to insure freedom and security to all religious denominations.

  • THIELAN, (Germany.)
  • SCHLECHTA, (Austria, Hungary.)
  • PEIXOTTO, (United States.)
  • G. LE SOUARD, (France.)
  • J. GREEN, (Great Britain.)
  • NEANOS, (Greece.)
  • GLORIA, (Italy.)