No. 476.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.
Bucharest, February 8, 1872. (Received March 5.)
Sir: Ismail contains a population of 20,000, of whom 2,000 are of the Hebrew faith. The assault upon the Israelites was commenced on the [Page 682] evening of the 24th of December, and lasted three days; another account says seven.
During this time the houses of the Israelites were broken into, the inmates beaten and driven forth, valuables robbed, the furniture destroyed, and the premises gutted. One hundred families took refuge in Tultscba, on the opposite Turkish shore. Some few found an asylum on board the Austrian national ship Pest; others fled to the fields. The Austrian subjects were protected at their consulate, except the rabbin, who was arbitrarily carried off and imprisoned. The consul-general of Austria, resident here, has made a demand for his liberation.
Dispatches received here this evening confirm accounts of similar outrages at Vilcovu and Cabool. Thirty families of the former place are reported as plundered, driven from their homes, and exposed to the rigors of the season.
At Cabool the Israelites defended themselves, taking refuge finally in the barracks; two are reported killed, ten to twelve wounded. The excesses appear to be spreading, and are said to be instigated by enemies of the government.
I am, sir, &c.,
United States Consul.