No. 475.
Mr. Peixotto to Mr. Hunter.
Bucharest, February 7, 1872. (Received March 5.)
Sm: The origin of the serious riots against the Israelites of Ismail, Vilcovu, and Cabool is attributed to a report circulated in the former town, of a theft and profanation committed by an alleged Israelite in the cathedral of Ismail.
The thief is reported to be a baptized Jew, a deserter from the Russian army, and but three months resident in the town.
He has implicated the rabbin, the president, and other elders of the Jewish community, as accomplices, who, though resident for long years in the town, and bearing hitherto an unimpeachable character, have been arrested and thrust into prison.
The consul of Austria reports sixty houses demolished in the Jewish quarter. The Greek consul is reported to have restrained his subjects from participation in the outrages.
The Austrian and English consul and agent report that the Russians and Bulgarians, who form the principal part of the inhabitants, were the chief promoters.
I am, sir, &c.,
United States Consul.