40. Memorandum for the Files1


  • Secretary’s Meeting with Chairman Zablocki and Ranking Member Broomfield, January 23, 1981, 2:30 p.m., Secretary’s Office

Secretary Haig met today with the leaders of the House Foreign Relations Committee—Chairman Zablocki and Congressman Broomfield. Also present at the meeting were Richard Fairbanks (H), Bill Clark (D), Mike Rashish (E).

[Omitted here are discussions not related to human rights.]

[Page 121]

Broomfield said that a new balance on human rights as a component of our foreign policy was needed and he and the Secretary agreed that the concern of international terrorism would rise in importance and human rights would recede soon. With regard to the organization of human rights within the State Department, the Secretary asked for the Congressmen’s assistance in getting rid of a separate office for that problem and returning it to the various bureaus. Zablocki said that he was sympathetic but that he had already lost an earlier attempt to do away with a subcommittee targeted to that concern in his own committee.

[Omitted here are discussions not related to human rights.]

  1. Source: Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Alexander Haig Papers, Department of State, Day File, January 23, 1981. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Fairbanks.