207. Information Memorandum From the Assistant Administrator of the Food for Peace and Voluntary Assistance Bureau, Agency for International Development (Bloch) to the Administrator of the Agency for International Development (McPherson)1


  • FVA Bureau Weekly Report


[Omitted here is information unrelated to Ethiopian famine relief.]


Reports from the AID assessment team in country indicate that there will be a shortfall in northern Ethiopia of donated cereals, oil, and milk between late October through the end of December.2 The AID team and the U.S. Embassy have recommended that the USG consider the approval of 15,000 MT cereals as well as a pledge against [Page 581] the as yet unmet UNDRO appeal of 3,300 MT of oil and 1,200 MT of milk. AID/W is actively exploring mechanisms through which we can most effectively channel future assistance, as well as possible diversions for delivery during critical food deficit months.3

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 286, USAID/O/ADMIN/ExecSec, Box 148, ADM-2 (August–September) FY 83. No classification marking.
  2. Not further identified. In telegram 2831 from Addis Ababa, August 11, the Department transmitted a statement issued by Representative Wolpe (D–MI) who had visited Ethiopia and assessed the famine. The statement read: “Thousands of inhabitants of drought-stricken Ethiopia face imminent death unless there is an immediate increase in the American and international relief assistance to Ethiopia.” (Department of State, Central Foreign Policy File, D830459–0412)
  3. In an August 26 information memorandum to McPherson, Bloch wrote: “AID has earmarked (subject to DCC approval) an additional 15,000 MT of wheat and flour from the FY 84 P.L. 480 Title II budget to be made available [in Ethiopia] in October and November 1983. This program has an estimated value of $6.7 million.” (National Archives, RG 286, USAID/O/ADMIN/ExecSec, Box 148, ADM–2 [August–September] FY 83) A January 24, 1984, paper prepared in the Agency for International Development summarized the U.S. financial contribution to the African famine from October 1, 1983, to January 24, 1984. (Department of State, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Subject Files—Edward Derwinski, 1984–1985, Lot 87D326, Famine Relief in Africa—1985)