69. Information Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Raphel) to Secretary of State Shultz1


  • Moroccan Delegation Meets With Qadhafi

Ambassador Nassif met today with Moroccan Minister of Health Tayeb Ben Sheikh. Ben Sheikh, Deputy Prime Minister Laraki and President of the Moroccan Parliament Othman travelled to Tripoli April 16. During their seven hour stay, they had a 15–20 minute meeting with Qadhafi.

Meeting took place at Qadhafi’s “office” in the Azizziya compound. Qadhafi was completely uninjured and calm, although obviously shocked by the attack.2
Qadhafi alleged that his 15 month old adopted daughter killed and two sons moderately injured in the attack. GOM delegation did not ascertain where Qadhafi had been at time of attack.
Qadhafi’s home severly damaged but not completely destroyed. Windows in “office” blown out, but not much other damage in Azizziya compound apparent to Moroccans.
Meeting with Qadhafi took place before his TV appearance (which apparently done from Tripoli). Meeting with Moroccans shown on Tripoli TV.
Several other Libyans present at meeting, but Ben Sheikh claims not to have been able to identify them (presumably he could have identified figures such as Jalloud).
Atomosphere was of “state of war”, expecting further U.S. attacks. Moroccans judge that Libyan public rallying to “underdog” Qadhafi.
During stay, GOM given restricted, guided tour. Saw damage to French embassy, said nearby “private residences” completely destroyed. Discounted that there was any damage to Libyan intelligence headquarters.
No estimate, feel for numbers of personal casualties (although Nassif speculates that Ben Sheikh may have been included in delegation to extend offer of medical assistance if appropriate.)
Ben Sheikh did not credit reports of fighting in Tripoli yesterday, felt that firing was manifestation of general nervousness, state of alert. He stressed that his observations based on very limited exposure.
Ben Sheikh refused to comment on substance of discussions with Qadhafi, but delegation presumably relayed message from Hassan to Qadhafi and may have brought back a reply.

  1. Source: Department of State, Executive Secretariat, S/S Records, 1 January 1984–21 January 1989 Sensitive and Super Sensitive Documents: Lot 92D52, ES Sensitive April 1–30, 1986. Secret; Sensitive; Nodis. Drafted by Zweifel; cleared by Ussery and Rand Beers (LTF). A copy was sent to INR. Raphel sent the memorandum in his capacity as Chairman of the Libya Task Force. A stamped notation at the top of the memorandum reads: “GPS.” Later that day, Platt, under a covering memorandum, forwarded a summary of the memorandum to Poindexter. (Reagan Library, Near East and South Asia Affairs Directorate, Burns/Ross Subject Files, Morocco 1986)
  2. Reference is to the April 15 U.S. air raid on Libya. Documentation on the incident is scheduled for publication in Foreign Relations, 1981–1988, vol. XLVIII, Libya; Chad. For the Moroccan reaction to the raid, see footnote 3, Document 256.