207. Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Equal Employment Opportunity (Burroughs) to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management (Read)1


  • Annual Statistics: Status of Minority Employees

In my memo of February 24 on the status of women2 I promised statistics on minority employees (Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian-American). Here they are.

First I would like to emphasize that the counting of minorities is an imperfect science. By Civil Service Commission rules, identification is made by “sight” of employment personnel, supervisors, etc. This method is a reaction to the days when minorities were required to identify themselves on forms etc. and that led to many injustices and abuses in hiring and other matters. The sight system is subject to confusion (e.g., Anna Jankowski is a known Hispanic married to a Polish-American and therefore should be counted as an Hispanic while Marie Gonzalez is of Irish ancestry married to an Hispanic and therefore should not be counted as an Hispanic). The sight system is also subject to oversight (e.g., Andy Young3 and I were not among those reported as minority employees in 1977). Obviously, minority identification is crucial and deserves more attention than it has received in the past.

Last spring M/EEO made personal visits to bureaus to check accuracy of our lists and that resulted in “finding” approximately 100 minorities not previously identified (largely in the GS/GG workforce). This discovery somewhat distorts statistics because our minority population was in fact about 0.8% larger than documented as of December 31, 1976. However, rather than make changes as of that date and earlier we will temper reaction to increases as of December 31, 1977.

We also use whatever other means are available to us (short of asking employees directly) in order to ensure that our confidential identification files are as accurate as possible. Thus, in spite of shortcomings in the identification process, we believe our records are a fairly [Page 842] reliable picture of the Department’s minority employment. Attachments and highlights are as follows:

Tab A—One-Year Comparison of All Pay Plans By Grades Therein (Total Minorities)

The representation of minorities in the total workforce went up by 1.1% (from 15.1% on December 31, 1976 to 16.2% on December 31, 1977).

Experts on the representation of minorities in the national workforce can’t seem to agree, but the figure appears to hover around 16% (low, of course, because of high unemployment among minorities). Our overall representation of 16.2%, therefore, on the surface may be respectable. Yet, as was the case with women, representation of minorities among the several pay plans varies from a low of 4.5% in FSO to a high of 41.5% in GS.

The representation of minorities in all FS pay plans increased over the past year: FSO’s by 0.2%, FSR’s by 1.3%, FSRU’s by 1.1%, FSS/FSSO’s by 0.1%, and total FS by 0.5%.

In the twelve months ending December 31, 1977, the GS/GG plans show minorities increasing by 1.7% from 38.0% to 39.7%. The health of this situation can be evaluated in at least two different ways. There are those who believe that, since the metropolitan D.C. area has a large minority population, our GS/GG minority representation is not excessive. On the other hand, there are those (like the Civil Service Commission) who believe that our GS/GG minority and female representations are too large; that criticism includes the assumption that we recruit nationally, which we do to a modest degree. The answer may be somewhere in between. In any event, as long as GS/GG categories are viewed as less than full and vital participants in our mission we must be concerned. The paucity of minorities at the senior Civil Service levels (not a single minority above GS-15) is especially disturbing.

Tab B—Breakdowns By Minority Sub-Groups

1. By Pay Plans 1976–7

2. By Pay Plans and Grades 1977

In order to be responsive to the individual special-emphasis minority groups, the CSC requires sub-group breakouts. The sub-group picture is also useful in targeting recruitment.

Blacks, who constitute approximately 11% of the U.S. population and about 10% of the national workforce, constitute 13.7% of our total workforce (up 0.9% from 12.8% a year ago). In the total Foreign Service, black representation is up by 0.4% (from 4.0% to 4.4%) while FSO’s increased by 0.2% (from 2.7% to 2.9%). Among GS/GG employees, blacks went from 35.3% to 36.3% or an increase of 1.0%.

Hispanics now constitute a little over 5% of the U.S. population and a little over 4% of the national workforce. In our total workforce, [Page 843] Hispanic representation went from 1.4% at the end of 1976 to 1.5% at the end of 1977 (+0.1%). The exact same figures prevail in total FS pay plans while FSO’s went from 1.0% to 1.1% (+0.1%). The GS/GG workforce shows an increase of 0.3% for Hispanics (up from 1.4% to 1.7%).

American Indians (Native Americans) constitute approximately 0.4% of the U.S. population and about 0.1% of the national workforce. At State, Native Americans represent 0.1% of our total workforce—no percentile change in the past year although in absolutes the total went from 11 to 15 due to our clean-up of identifications mentioned on page 1 of this memo. Of more than 9,000 employees in all FS pay plans, only 4 are Native Americans (less than one-tenth of one percent); among 3,514 FSO’s, only one is Native American. No change at all in any FS pay plan between 1976 and 1977. The GS/GG figure for Native Americans went up by 0.1% (from 0.2% to 0.3%).

Asian Americans, or Americans of Oriental origin, constitute a little over 1% of the U.S. population and about 1% of the national workforce. Our total workforce shows 0.9% for Asian Americans (up 0.1% from 0.8% in the past year). There was no change in the FS total—stands constant at 0.7%, with FSO’s also remaining constant at 0.5%. The Asian-American GS/GG workforce shows an increase of 0.3% (from 1.1% to 1.4%).

From the above breakouts it is again very obvious that all sub-groups are too sparsely represented in the Foreign Service and, in some cases, overrepresented in the Civil Service. It seems appropriate here to quote the 1974 CSC inspection report:4 “Despite the intensified minority recruiting efforts of the State Department, the agency’s employment profile continues to show an overwhelming white foreign service and an increasingly black civil service.”

Tab C—Two-Year Study of Workforce Growth By Pay Plan and Minorities

For a different short-term perspective, this study shows that in the past two years the overall number of minorities (all pay plans) has grown at a pace (+10.3%) greater than the total workforce (+4.1%) and non-minorities (+2.9%). Some degree of growth in minority strength is visible in all pay plans.

Among FSO’s, minorities went from 146 on December 31, 1975 to 159 as of December 31, 1977—or plus 13 (=8.9%) while total FSO’s grew by 53 (=1.4%) and non-minorities grew by 40 (=1.2%). That kind of growth of minorities, if at least sustained, is encouraging. In my [Page 844] view, however, we should aim at even greater growth so that, for example, staffing of posts soon will be more representative of the U.S.

The FSR pay plan shows a two-year growth of 1 or 0.5% for minorities while total went down 20 or 0.9% and non-minorities went down 21 or 1.0%. While we have trouble explaining this catch-all pay plan, it must be assumed (as was the case with women) that the freeze on MRB-8 laterals is causing the declines in total and non-minorities. What probably would have been a similar decline for minorities may have been offset by the minority FSR/JO program—a net of 35 hires in 1976–77—plus seven hires under the Middle-Level program in the same two years. The FSRU increases also explain the FSR decreases (total up 451 or +142.7% and non-minorities up 413 or +137.2%); for minorities, the growth (up 38 or +253.3%) is good although they remain less than one-tenth of the FSRU pay plan.

Minorities in the FS Staff Corps declined by 3 (−1.7%) in the past two years while total declined by 206 (−7.5%) and non-minorities declined by 203 (−7.9%). This slower rate of decline for minorities may be good, unless the FSS pay plan loses more stature.

Minorities in all FS pay plans went from 547 in 1975 to 596 in 1977, a growth of 49 or 9.0%. That kind of growth shows a good trend. Total FS population grew by 278 or 3.2% and non-minorities grew by 229 or 2.8%.

Turning to the GS/GG categories, minority growth over these two years was 144 or 10.9% while total growth was 218 or 6.2% and non-minority growth was 74 or 3.4%. Here we should have some doubts about the high minority growth.

Tab D—Nine-Year Comparison of All Pay Plans By Grades Therein

Employment data-gathering on minorities in federal agencies did not develop any sophistication until the mid-1960’s. At State, 1969 is the earliest year for which we can locate any reliable figures (and even those do not include the GG plan). Our ability to make long-term comparisons is, therefore, somewhat limited.

In this nine-year study (without the GG plan), the representation of minorities in the total workforce went up 3.1% (from 13.0% on November 30, 1969 to 16.1% on December 31, 1977).

The largest increase in minority representation occurred in the GS pay plan—up 6.0% from 35.5% to 41.5%. This may be some kind of irony since in these nine years apparently the GS pay plan lost status at State with many position designations converted from GS to FS. As was the case with women, minorities are concentrated at GS-6 and below (64.4% or 719 of 1,116 in 1969 and 52.8% or 747 of 1,414 in 1977). While this long-term study shows some progress for GS minorities at the support, junior, and middle levels, minorities lost ground at the [Page 845] senior level (down from 3.8% to 0.0%). Clearly, a Civil Service Upward Mobility Program must get priority attention.

In the nine-year period covered here, the total FS pay plans gained 0.9% in minority representation (up from 5.7% to 6.6%). All levels show increases except the support level and even that can be viewed as progress.

Representation of minorities in the FSO pay plan went from 2.0% in 1969 to 4.5% in 1977, or an increase of 2.5%. A large part of the increase is due to the FSR/JO minority program commenced in 1967. Since the first conversion to FSO in 1972, approximately 70 have been converted and about 60 remain in our employ at the FSO-6 and -5 level. Modest progress is also visible for minorities at senior and middle levels of the FSO plan, but failure of minority intake via the exam process is probably responsible for the poor record at FSO-8 and -7.

In a nine-year study like this, the FSR pay plan remains elusive. We know that population rose significantly after 1971 due to the FAS program and that population started falling quickly about 1974 for the same reason (conversions to FSRU). The same kind of in-and-out to FSO is true of the minority FSR/JO program initiated in 1967, although approximately 70 hires remain in the FSR plan. Still the increase in FSR minority representation over nine years was only 1.8%.

The minorities left in the vanishing FS Staff Corps show some progress at top and middle levels in spite of movement out, presumably, to FSR and FSRU and perhaps to FSO. In total, minority representation in FSS/FSSO dropped by 0.7% since 1969. That kind of change is hard to assess since the future of that pay plan appears somewhat uncertain.

Tab E—Nine-Year Study of Workforce Growth By Pay Plan and Minorities

This long-term growth perspective shows that between 1969–77 minorities in the total workforce have grown by 343 (+20.6%) while the total population decreased by 367 (−2.9%) and non-minorities decreased by 710 (−6.4%).

As we discovered in our ten-year study of women, the GS workforce increased in this comparable period—by 264 (+8.4%) with non-minorities declining by 34 (−1.7%) and minorities increasing by 298 (+26.7%). The total of all FS plans lost 631 (−6.5%), non-minorities therein lost 676 (−7.4%), and minorities therein gained 45 (+8.2%). In other words, of the 343 increase in minorities over 1969–77, 298 (or 86.9%) were in the GS pay plan and 45 (or 13.1%) were in the FS pay plans. That tilt, perhaps signifying stereotyping, should concern us because here again we are talking about support type positions.

The FSO pay plan shows the most dramatic increase for minorities in this nine-year study—up 92 from 67 to 159 (+137.3%). As suggested [Page 846] earlier, this increase would not have been possible without the FSR/JO minority program. The total FSO Corps grew by 236 (+7.2%) and non-minorities grew by 144 (+4.5%).

The FSR/FSRU pay plans increased by 1,522 (+103.5%) between 1969 and 1977. Non-minorities grew by 1,371 (+100.9%) and minorities grew by 151 (+134.8%). The many variables influencing these two pay plans once more leave us uncertain. One can speculate that the FAS program was good for improving the status of minorities by providing an escape from GS/GG and FSS/FSSO, yet FSRU causes the loss of all employees more quickly (including minorities) so that representation of minorities in those two pay plans remains below 10%.

Minorities in FSS/FSSO decreased by 198 (−53.2%) in the last nine years—ahead of total loss of 2,389 (−48.6%) and ahead of non-minority loss of 2,191 (−48.2%). Interpretation of this loss will be influenced to some degree by what plans we have for the future of the FS Staff Corps.

Tab F—a. Minority FSO’s By Cone

b. Minority FSO Promotions

c. Minority FSO’s By Grade/Level

Minority representation in the FSO pay plan, as with female representation, probably is our greatest challenge. Since data collecting on minorities and the FSO exam/intake has only begun this past year, we have no definitive statistics to offer in this collection.

We can, however, show you conal distribution of minority FSO’s as of December 31, 1977. While not as startling as with women, minorities are heavily concentrated in the Consular cone and in short supply in Executive roles and the Political and Economic cones. (By the way, of the 159 minority FSO’s only 25 are women; of those 13 are Consular).

Collection of data on minority FSO promotions was started with the 1977 list (data on 1978 promotions should be ready in a few weeks). It is clear that 13.0% of eligible minorities were promoted vs. 19.1% among non-minorities. It is also clear that the average age of minorities promoted was lower than for non-minorities and that average time-in-class (without previous pay plan time) was more favorable for minorities. However, one study does not demonstrate a trend.

The nine-year study by FSO grades and levels is intended to show year-by-year movement. The senior level deserves special focus, with an increase of 1.3% for minorities. I suppose that could be viewed as progress, yet we must remain aware that 16 of the 18 minorities at that level are eligible for retirement (over 50 years of age). If they elect retirement, the senior level FSO minorities would be almost wiped out (the situation for women is similar at the top level).

[Page 847]


Once again it is evident, I believe, that we must sustain affirmative action initiatives to make our workforce more representative of the U.S. population.

Tab A

Table Prepared in the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity5


[Page 848] [Page 849] [Page 850] [Page 851]
12/31/76 12/31/77 Percent Change
Total Pop. Total Minorities Percent Total Pop. Total Minorities Percent
CA 1
CM 40 1 2.5 39 1 2.6 + 0.1
FSO/R/RU–1 & GS/GG–18/17 417 7 1.7 456 10 2.2 + 0.5
–2 –16 567 13 2.3 565 16 2.8 + 0.5
Sub Total Senior Level 1,025 21 2.0 1,060 27 2.5 + 0.5
FSO/R/RU–3, FSSO–1 & GS/GG–15/14 1,194 48 4.0 1,237 54 4.4 + 0.4
–4 –2 –13 1,456 72 4.9 1,468 79 5.4 + 0.5
–5 –3 –12 1,401 144 10.3 1,429 156 10.9 + 0.6
Sub Total Middle Level 4,051 264 6.5 4,134 289 7.0 + 0.5
FSO/R/RU–6, FSSO–4 & GS/GG–11/10 1,527 224 14.7 1,635 234 14.3 − 0.4
–7 –5 –9/8 1,899 357 18.8 1,932 386 20.0 + 1.2
–8 –6/7 –7 1,883 321 17.0 1,751 321 18.3 + 1.3
Sub Total Junior Level 5,309 902 17.0 5,318 941 17.7 + 0.7
FSS–8 & GS/GG–6 885 230 26.0 969 254 26.2 + 0.2
–9 –5 671 243 36.2 618 256 41.4 + 5.2
–10 –4/3/2/1 526 226 43.0 644 300 46.6 + 3.6
Sub Total Support Level 2,082 699 33.6 2,231 810 36.3 + 2.7
GRAND TOTAL FS & GS 12,467 1,886 15.1 12,743 2,067 16.2 + 1.1
CA 1
CM 40 1 2.5 39 1 2.6 + 0.1
FSO/R/RU–1 411 7 1.7 450 10 2.2 + 0.5
–2 544 12 2.2 543 15 2.8 + 0.6
Sub Total Senior Level 996 20 2.0 1,032 26 2.5 + 0.5
–3/FSSO–1 980 33 3.4 1,018 38 3.7 + 0.3
–4–2 1,313 58 4.4 1,310 64 4.9 + 0.5
–5–3 1,244 110 8.8 1,248 115 9.2 + 0.4
Sub Total Middle Level 3,537 201 5.7 3,576 217 6.1 + 0.4
–6–4 1,197 112 9.4 1,287 118 9.2 − 0.2
–7–5 1,227 82 6.7 1,255 107 8.5 + 1.8
–8–6 791 49 6.2 775 54 7.0 + 0.8
–7 589 46 7.8 464 33 7.1 − 0.7
Sub Total Junior Level 3,804 289 7.6 3,781 312 8.3 + 0.7
FSS–8 431 23 5.3 506 33 6.5 + 1.2
–9 130 13 10.0 100 7 7.0 − 3.0
–10 41 1 2.4 41 1 2.4
Sub Total Support Level 602 37 6.1 647 41 6.3 + 0.2
TOTAL FS 8,939 547 6.1 9,036 596 6.6 + 0.5
CA 1
CM 40 1 2.5 39 1 2.6 + 0.1
FSO–1 311 6 1.9 341 8 2.3 + 0.4
–2 305 10 3.3 310 9 2.9 − 0.4
Sub Total Senior Level 657 17 2.6 690 18 2.6
–3 615 17 2.8 655 16 2.4 − 0.4
–4 854 27 3.2 803 31 3.9 + 0.7
–5 627 68 10.8 590 68 11.5 + 0.7
Sub Total Middle Level 2,096 112 5.3 2,048 115 5.6 + 0.3
–6 340 20 5.9 397 24 6.0 + 0.1
–7 283 1 0.4 318 2 0.6 + 0.2
–8 85 61
Sub Total Junior Level 708 21 3.0 776 26 3.4 + 0.4
TOTAL FSO 3,461 150 4.3 3,514 159 4.5 + 0.2
FSR–1 60 60 1 1.7 + 1.7
–2 145 1 0.7 126 5 4.0 + 3.3
Sub Total Senior Level 205 1 0.5 186 6 3.2 + 2.7
–3 218 12 5.5 198 15 7.6 + 2.1
–4 274 15 5.5 285 16 5.6 + 0.1
–5 340 29 8.5 378 28 7.4 − 1.1
Sub Total Middle Level 832 56 6.7 861 59 6.9 + 0.2
–6 495 60 12.1 462 55 11.9 − 0.2
–7 546 52 9.5 534 71 13.3 + 3.8
–8 208 17 8.2 183 19 10.4 + 2.2
Sub Total Junior Level 1,249 129 10.3 1,179 145 12.3 + 2.0
TOTAL FSR 2,286 186 8.1 2,226 210 9.4 + 1.3
FSRU–1 40 1 2.5 49 1 2.0 − 0.5
–2 94 1 1.1 107 1 0.9 − 0.2
Sub Total Senior Level 134 2 1.5 156 2 1.3 − 0.2
–3 92 4 4.3 108 5 4.6 + 0.3
–4 85 10 11.8 124 13 10.5 − 1.3
–5 86 3 3.5 109 6 5.5 + 0.7
Sub Total Middle Level 263 17 6.5 341 24 7.0 + 0.5
–6 85 6 7.1 166 14 8.4 + 1.3
–7 37 5 13.5 95 12 12.6 − 0.9
–8 2 9 1 11.1 +11.1
Sub Total Junior Level 124 11 8.9 270 27 10.0 + 1.1
TOTAL FSRU 521 30 5.8 767 53 6.9 + 1.1
FSSO–1 55 57 2 3.5 + 3.5
–2 100 6 6.0 98 4 4.1 − 1.9
–3 191 10 5.2 171 13 7.6 + 2.4
Sub Total Middle Level 346 16 4.6 326 19 5.8 + 1.2
–4 277 26 9.4 262 25 9.5 + 0.1
–5 361 24 6.6 308 22 7.1 + 0.5
–6 496 32 6.5 522 34 6.5
–7 589 46 7.8 464 33 7.1 − 0.7
Sub Total Junior Level 1,723 128 7.4 1,556 114 7.3 − 0.1
FSS–8 431 23 5.3 506 33 6.5 + 1.2
–9 130 13 10.0 100 7 7.0 − 3.0
–10 41 1 2.4 41 1 2.4
Sub Total Support Level 602 37 6.1 647 41 6.3 + 0.2
TOTAL FSSO/FSS 2,671 181 6.8 2,529 174 6.9 + 0.1
GS/GG–18 3 2
–17 3 4
–16 23 1 4.3 22 1 4.5 + 0.2
Sub Total Senior Level 29 1 3.4 28 1 3.6 + 0.2
–15 118 11 9.3 121 12 9.9 + 0.6
–14 96 4 4.2 98 4 4.1 − 0.1
–13 143 14 9.8 158 15 9.5 − 0.3
–12 157 34 21.7 181 41 22.7 + 1.0
Sub Total Middle Level 514 63 12.3 558 72 12.9 + 0.6
–11 275 97 35.3 281 98 34.9 − 0.4
–10 55 15 27.3 67 18 26.9 − 0.4
–9 411 156 38.0 407 157 38.6 + 0.6
–8 261 119 45.6 270 122 45.2 − 0.4
–7 503 226 44.9 512 234 45.7 + 0.8
Sub Total Junior Level 1,505 613 40.7 1,537 629 40.9 + 0.2
–6 454 207 45.6 463 221 47.7 + 2.1
–5 541 230 42.5 518 249 48.1 + 5.6
–4 272 105 38.5 317 126 39.7 + 1.2
–3 134 61 45.5 176 100 56.8 +11.3
–2 70 52 74.3 94 63 67.0 − 7.3
–1 9 7 77.8 16 10 62.5 −15.3
Sub Total Support Level 1,480 662 44.7 1,584 769 48.5 + 3.8
TOTAL CS 3,528 1,339 38.0 3,707 1,471 39.7 + 1.7
GS–18 3 2
–17 3 3
–16 22 21
Sub Total Senior Level 28 26
–15 109 10 9.2 112 11 9.8 + 0.6
–14 85 4 4.7 89 4 4.5 − 0.2
–13 128 14 10.9 143 15 10.5 − 0.4
–12 147 34 23.1 170 41 24.1 + 1.0
Sub Total Middle Level 469 62 13.2 514 71 13.8 + 0.6
–11 262 94 35.9 268 96 35.8 − 0.1
–10 42 11 26.2 54 14 25.9 − 0.3
–9 387 147 38.0 377 147 39.0 + 1.0
–8 228 104 45.6 237 110 46.4 + 0.8
–7 463 221 47.7 472 229 48.5 + 0.8
Sub Total Junior Level 1,382 577 41.8 1,408 596 42.3 + 0.5
–6 365 194 53.2 372 202 54.3 + 1.1
–5 515 228 44.3 492 246 50.0 + 5.7
–4 270 105 38.9 316 126 39.9 + 1.0
–3 134 61 45.5 175 100 57.1 +11.6
–2 68 52 76.5 92 63 68.5 − 8.0
–1 9 7 77.8 16 10 62.5 −15.3
Sub Total Support Level 1,361 647 47.5 1,463 747 51.1 + 3.6
TOTAL GS 3,240 1,286 39.7 3,411 1,414 41.5 + 1.8
–17 1
–16 1 1 100.0 1 1 100.0
Sub Total Senior Level 1 1 100.0 2 1 50.0 −50.0
–15 9 1 11.1 9 1 11.1
–14 11 9
–13 15 15
–12 10 11—
Sub Total Middle Level 45 1 2.2 44 1 2.3 + 0.1
–11 13 3 23.1 13 2 15.4 − 7.7
–10 13 4 30.8 13 4 30.8
–9 24 9 37.5 30 10 33.3 − 4.2
–8 33 15 45.5 33 12 36.4 − 9.1
–7 40 5 12.5 40 5 12.5
Sub Total Junior Level 123 36 29.3 129 33 25.6 − 3.7
–6 89 13 14.6 91 19 20.9 + 6.3
–5 26 2 7.7 26 3 11.5 + 3.8
–4 2 1
–3 1
–2 2 2
Sub Total Support Level 119 15 12.6 121 22 18.2 + 5.6
TOTAL GG 288 53 18.4 296 57 19.3 + 0.9
CA 1
CM 40 1 2.5 39 1 2.6 + 0.1
FSO 3,420 149 4.4 3,475 158 4.5 + 0.1
FSR 2,286 189 8.1 2,226 210 9.4 + 1.3
FSRU 521 30 5.8 767 53 6.9 + 1.1
FSSO/FSS 2,671 181 6.8 2,529 174 6.9 + 0.1
TOTAL FOREIGN SERVICE 8,939 547 6.1 9,036 596 6.6 + 0.5
GS 3,240 1,286 39.7 3,411 1,414 41.5 + 1.8
GG 288 53 18.4 296 57 19.3 + 0.9
TOTAL CIVIL SERVICE 3,528 1,339 38.0 3,707 1,471 39.7 + 1.7
GRAND TOTAL 12,467 1,886 15.1 12,743 2,067 16.2 + 1.1
[Page 852]

Tab B

Table Prepared in the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity6


[Page 853] [Page 854] [Page 855] [Page 856]
TOTAL POP. NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. %
CM 39 1 2.6 1 2.6
FSO/R/RU–1 & GS/GG–18/17 456 10 2.2 4 0.9 6 1.3
–2 –16 565 16 2.8 10 1.8 4 0.7 2 0.4
Sub Total Senior Level 1,060 27 2.5 15 1.4 10 0.9 2 0.2
FSO/R/RU–3, FSSO–1, & GS/GG–15/14 1,237 54 4.4 36 2.9 7 0.6 11 0.9
–4 –2 –13 1,468 79 5.4 52 3.5 18 1.2 9 0.6
–5 –3 –12 1,429 156 10.9 120 8.4 22 1.5 1 0.1 13 0.9
Sub Total Middle Level 4,134 289 7.0 208 5.0 47 1.1 1 33 0.8
FSO/R/RU–6, FSSO–4, & GS/GG–11/10 1,635 234 14.3 184 11.2 27 1.7 1 0.1 22 1.3
–7 –5 –9/8 1,932 386 20.0 321 16.6 44 2.3 5 0.3 16 0.8
–8 –6/7 –7 1,751 321 18.3 279 15.9 26 1.5 3 0.2 13 0.7
Sub Total Junior Level 5,318 941 17.7 784 14.7 97 1.8 9 0.2 51 1.0
FSS–8 & GS/GG–6 969 254 26.2 215 22.2 21 2.2 3 0.3 15 1.5
–9 –5 618 256 41.4 243 39.3 10 1.6 3 0.5
–10 –4/3/2/1 644 300 46.6 279 43.3 10 1.6 2 0.3 9 1.4
Sub Total Support Level 2,231 810 36.3 737 33.0 41 1.8 5 0.2 27 1.2
GRAND TOTAL FS & GS 12,743 2,067 16.2 1,744 13.7 195 1.5 15 0.1 113 0.9
CM 39 1 2.6 1 2.6
FSO/R/RU–1 450 10 2.2 4 0.9 6 1.3
–2 543 15 2.8 10 1.8 3 0.6 2 0.4
Sub Total Senior Level 1,032 26 2.5 15 1.5 9 0.9 2 0.2
–3 & FSSO–1 1,018 38 3.7 23 2.3 6 0.6 9 0.9
–4–2 1,310 64 4.9 38 2.9 17 1.3 9 0.7
–5–3 1,248 115 9.2 83 6.7 21 1.7 1 0.1 10 0.8
Sub Total Middle Level 3,576 217 6.1 144 4.0 44 1.2 1 28 0.8
–6–4 1,287 118 9.2 79 6.1 22 1.7 1 0.1 16 1.2
–7–5 1,255 107 8.5 75 6.0 25 2.0 1 0.1 6 0.5
–8–6 775 54 7.0 37 4.8 13 1.7 4 0.5
–7 464 33 7.1 22 4.7 7 1.5 1 0.2 3 0.6
Sub Total Junior Level 3,781 312 8.3 213 5.6 67 1.8 3 0.1 29 0.8
FSS–8 506 33 6.5 19 3.8 11 2.2 3 0.6
–9 100 7 7.0 5 5.0 2 2.0
–10 41 1 2.4 1 2.4
Sub Total Support Level 647 41 6.3 25 3.9 13 2.0 3 0.5
TOTAL FS 9,036 596 6.6 397 4.4 133 1.5 4 62 0.7
CM 39 1 2.6 1 2.6
FSO–1 341 8 2.3 4 1.2 4 1.2
–2 310 9 2.9 5 1.6 3 1.0 1 0.3
Sub Total Senior Level 690 18 2.6 10 1.4 7 1.0 1 0.1
–3 655 16 2.4 9 1.4 2 0.3 5 0.8
–4 803 31 3.9 20 2.5 9 1.1 2 0.2
–5 590 68 11.5 49 8.3 12 2.0 1 0.2 6 1.0
Sub Total Middle Level 2,048 115 5.6 78 3.8 23 1.1 1 13 0.6
–6 397 24 6.0 14 3.5 6 1.5 4 1.0
–7 318 2 0.6 2 0.6
–8 61
Sub Total Junior Level 776 26 3.4 14 1.8 8 1.0 4 0.5
TOTAL FSO 3,514 159 4.5 102 2.9 38 1.1 1 18 0.5
FSR–1 60 1 1.7 1 1.7
–2 126 5 4.0 4 3.2 1 0.8
Sub Total Senior Level 186 6 3.2 4 2.2 1 0.5 1 0.5
–3 198 15 7.6 9 4.5 3 1.5 3 1.5
–4 285 16 5.6 9 3.2 4 1.4 3 1.1
–5 378 28 7.4 19 5.0 7 1.9 2 0.5
Sub Total Middle Level 861 59 6.9 37 4.3 14 1.6 8 0.9
–6 462 55 11.9 44 9.5 6 1.3 5 1.1
–7 534 71 13.3 54 10.1 14 2.6 1 0.2 2 0.4
–8 183 19 10.4 18 9.8 1 0.5
Sub Total Junior Level 1,179 145 12.3 116 9.8 21 1.8 1 0.1 7 0.6
TOTAL FSR 2,226 210 9.4 157 7.1 36 1.6 1 16 0.7
FSRU–1 49 1 2.0 1 2.0
–2 107 1 0.9 1 0.9
Sub Total Senior Level 156 2 1.3 1 0.6 1 0.6
–3 108 5 4.6 4 3.7 1 0.9
–4 124 13 10.5 8 6.5 2 1.6 3 2.4
–5 109 6 5.5 5 4.6 1 0.9
Sub Total Middle Level 341 24 7.0 17 5.0 4 1.2 3 0.9
–6 166 14 8.4 11 6.6 2 1.2 1 0.6
–7 95 12 12.6 10 10.5 1 1.1 1 1.1
–8 9 1 11.1 1 11.1
Sub Total Junior Level 270 27 10.0 22 8.1 3 1.1 2 0.7
TOTAL FSRU 767 53 6.9 40 5.2 8 1.0 5 0.7
FSSO–1 57 2 3.5 1 1.8 1 1.8
–2 98 4 4.1 1 1.0 2 2.0 1 1.0
–3 171 13 7.6 10 5.8 1 0.6 2 1.2
Sub Total Middle Level 326 19 5.8 12 3.7 3 0.9 4 1.2
–4 262 25 9.5 10 3.8 8 3.1 1 0.4 6 2.3
–5 308 22 7.1 11 3.6 8 2.6 3 1.0
–6 522 34 6.5 18 3.4 12 2.3 4 0.8
–7 464 33 7.1 22 4.7 7 1.5 1 0.2 3 0.6
Sub Total Junior Level 1,556 114 7.3 61 3.9 35 2.2 2 0.1 16 1.0
FSS–8 506 33 6.5 19 3.8 11 2.2 3 0.6
–9 100 7 7.0 5 5.0 2 2.0
–10 41 1 2.4 1 2.4
Sub Total Support Level 647 41 6.3 25 3.9 13 2.0 3 0.5
TOTAL FSSO/FSS 2,529 174 6.9 98 3.9 51 2.0 2 0.1 23 0.9
GS/GG–18 2
–17 4
–16 22 1 4.5 1 4.5
Sub Total Senior Level 28 1 3.6 1 3.6
–15 121 12 9.9 10 8.3 2 1.7
–14 98 4 4.1 3 3.1 1 1.0
–13 158 15 9.5 14 8.9 1 0.6
–12 181 41 22.7 37 20.4 1 0.6 3 1.7
Sub Total Middle Level 558 72 12.9 64 11.5 3 0.5 5 0.9
–11 281 98 34.9 91 32.4 4 1.4 3 1.1
–10 67 18 26.9 14 20.9 1 1.5 3 4.5
–9 407 157 38.6 140 34.4 9 2.2 1 0.2 7 1.7
–8 270 122 45.2 106 39.3 10 3.7 3 1.1 3 1.1
–7 512 234 45.7 220 43.0 6 1.2 2 0.4 6 1.2
Sub Total Junior Level 1,537 629 40.9 571 37.2 30 2.0 6 0.4 22 1.4
–6 463 221 47.7 196 42.3 10 2.2 3 0.6 12 2.6
–5 518 249 48.1 238 45.9 8 1.5 3 0.6
–4 317 126 39.7 114 36.0 6 1.9 1 0.3 5 1.6
–3 176 100 56.8 94 53.4 4 2.3 2 1.1
–2 94 63 67.0 61 64.9 1 1.1 1 1.1
–1 16 10 62.5 9 56.3 1 6.3
Sub Total Support Level 1,584 769 48.5 712 44.9 28 1.8 5 0.3 24 1.5
TOTAL CS 3,707 1,471 39.7 1,347 36.3 62 1.7 11 0.3 51 1.4
GS–18 2
–17 3
–16 21
Sub Total Senior Level 26
–15 112 11 9.8 10 8.9 1 0.9
–14 89 4 4.5 3 3.4 1 1.1
–13 143 15 10.5 14 9.8 1 0.7
–12 170 41 24.1 37 21.6 1 0.6 3 1.8
Sub Total Middle Level 514 71 13.8 64 12.5 3 0.6 4 0.8
–11 268 96 35.8 91 34.0 2 0.7 3 1.1
–10 54 14 25.9 14 25.9
–9 377 147 39.0 139 36.9 5 1.3 1 0.3 2 0.5
–8 237 110 46.4 104 43.9 2 0.8 3 1.3 1 0.4
–7 472 229 48.5 219 46.4 5 1.1 2 0.4 3 0.6
Sub Total Junior Level 1,408 596 42.3 567 40.3 14 1.0 6 0.4 9 0.6
–6 372 202 54.3 192 51.6 5 1.3 3 0.8 2 0.5
–5 492 246 50.0 238 48.4 5 1.0 3 0.6
–4 316 126 39.9 114 36.1 6 1.9 1 0.3 5 1.6
–3 175 100 57.1 94 53.7 4 2.3 2 1.1
–2 92 63 68.5 61 66.3 1 1.1 1 1.1
–1 16 10 62.5 9 56.3 1 6.3
Sub Total Support Level 1,463 747 51.1 708 48.4 20 1.4 5 0.3 14 1.0
TOTAL GS 3,411 1,414 41.5 1,339 39.3 37 1.1 11 0.3 27 0.8
–17 1
–16 1 1 100.0 1 100.0
Sub Total Senior Level 2 1 50.0 1 50.0
–15 9 1 11.1 1 11.1
–14 9
–13 15
–12 11
Sub Total Middle Level 44 1 2.3 1 2.3
–11 13 2 15.4 2 15.4
–10 13 4 30.8 1 7.7 3 23.1
–9 30 10 33.3 1 3.3 4 13.3 5 16.7
–8 33 12 36.4 2 6.1 8 24.2 2 6.1
–7 40 5 12.5 1 2.5 1 2.5 3 7.5
Sub Total Junior Level 129 33 25.6 4 3.1 16 12.4 13 10.1
–6 91 19 20.9 4 4.4 5 5.5 10 11.0
–5 26 3 11.5 3 11.5
–4 1
–3 1
–2 2
Sub Total Support Level 121 22 18.2 4 3.3 8 6.6 10 8.3
TOTAL GG 296 57 19.3 8 2.7 25 8.4 24 8.1
CM 39 1 2.6 1 2.6
FSO 3,475 158 4.5 101 2.9 38 1.1 1 18 0.5
FSR 2,226 210 9.4 157 7.1 36 1.6 1 16 0.7
FSRU 767 53 6.9 40 5.2 8 1.0 5 0.7
FSSO/FSS 2,529 174 6.9 98 3.9 51 2.0 2 0.1 23 0.9
TOTAL FOREIGN SERVICE 9,036 596 6.6 397 4.4 133 1.5 4 62 0.7
GS 3,411 1,414 41.5 1,339 39.3 37 1.1 11 0.3 27 0.8
GG 296 57 19.3 8 2.7 25 8.4 24 8.1
TOTAL CIVIL SERVICE 3,707 1,471 39.7 1,347 36.3 62 1.7 11 0.3 51 1.4
GRAND TOTAL 12,743 2,067 16.2 1,744 13.7 195 1.5 15 0.1 113 0.9

Tab C

Table Prepared in the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity8


[Page 857] [Page 858]
CA 12/31/76 1
Change − 1
CM 12/31/76 40 1 2.5 1 2.5
12/31/77 39 1 2.6 1 2.6
Change − 1 + 0.1 + 0.1
FSO 12/31/76 3,420 149 4.4 94 2.7 36 1.1 1 18 0.5
12/31/77 3,514 159 4.5 102 2.9 38 1.1 1 18 0.5
Change + 94 + 10 + 0.1 + 8 + 0.2 + 2
FSR 12/31/76 2,286 186 8.1 144 6.3 28 1.2 1 13 0.6
12/31/77 2,226 210 9.4 157 7.1 36 1.6 1 16 0.7
Change − 60 + 24 + 1.3 + 13 + 0.8 + 8 + 0.4 + 3 + 0.1
FSRU 12/31/76 521 30 5.8 21 4.0 6 1.2 3 0.6
12/31/77 767 53 6.9 40 5.2 8 1.0 5 0.7
Change + 246 + 23 + 1.1 + 19 + 1.2 + 2 − 0.2 + 2 + 0.1
FSS 12/31/76 2,671 181 6.8 98 3.7 55 2.1 2 0.1 26 1.0
12/31/77 2,529 174 6.9 98 3.9 51 2.0 2 0.1 23 0.9
Change − 142 − 7 + 0.1 + 0.2 − 4 − 0.1 − 3 − 0.1
TOTAL 12/31/76 8,939 547 6.1 358 4.0 125 1.4 4 60 0.7
FS 12/31/77 9,036 596 6.6 397 4.4 133 1.5 4 62 0.7
Change + 97 + 49 + 0.5 + 39 + 0.4 + 8 + 0.1 + 2
GS 12/31/76 3,240 1,286 39.7 1,233 38.1 28 0.9 6 0.2 19 0.6
12/31/77 3,411 1,414 41.5 1,339 39.3 37 1.1 11 0.3 27 0.8
Change + 171 + 128 + 1.8 + 106 + 1.2 + 9 +0.2 + 5 +0.1 + 8 +0.2
GG 12/31/76 288 53 18.4 11 3.8 20 6.9 1 0.3 21 7.3
12/31/77 296 57 19.3 8 2.7 25 8.4 24 8.1
Change + 8 + 4 + 0.9 − 3 − 1.1 + 5 +1.5 − 1 −0.3 + 3 +0.8
TOTAL 12/31/76 3,528 1,339 38.0 1,244 35.3 48 1.4 7 0.2 40 1.1
CS 12/31/77 3,707 1,471 39.7 1,347 36.3 62 1.7 11 0.3 51 1.4
Change + 179 + 132 + 1.7 + 103 + 1.0 + 14 +0.3 + 4 +0.1 + 11 +0.3
12/31/76 12,467 1,886 15.1 1,602 12.8 173 1.4 11 0.1 100 0.8
12/31/77 12,743 2,067 16.2 1,744 13.7 195 1.5 15 0.1 113 0.9
Change + 276 + 181 + 1.1 + 142 + 0.9 + 22 +0.1 + 4 + 13 +0.1

Tab D

Table Prepared in the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity9


[Page 859]
Total Workforce (GS and FS)
Total Non-Minorities Minorities
12/31/75 12,247 10,373 (84.7%) 1,874 (15.3%)
During 1976 + 220 + 208 + 12
(Diff) (+ 1.8%) (+ 2.0%) (+ 0.6%)
12/31/76 12,467 10,581 (84.9%) 1,886 (15.1%)
During 1977 + 276 + 95 + 181
(Diff) (+ 2.2%) (+ 0.9%) (+ 9.6%)
12/31/77 12,743 10,676 (93.8%) 2,067 (16.2%)
(Diff 2 Years) + 496 + 303 + 193
(+ 4.1%) (+ 2.9%) (+ 10.3%)
FSO (Incl. CM and CA)
Total Non-Minorities Minorities
12/31/75 3,461 3,315 (95.8%) 146 ( 4.2%)
During 1976 − 4 + 4
(Diff) (− 0.1%) (+ 2.7%)
12/31/76 3,461 3,311 (95.7%) 150 ( 4.3%)
During 1977 + 53 + 44 + 9
(Diff) (+ 1.5%) (+ 1.3%) (+ 6.0%)
12/31/77 3,514 3,355 (95.5%) 159 ( 4.5%)
(Diff 2 Years) + 53 + 40 + 13
(+ 1.4%) (+ 1.2%) (+ 8.9%)
Total Non-Minorities Minorities
12/31/75 2,246 2,037 (90.7%) 209 ( 9.3%)
During 1976 + 40 + 63 −23
(Diff) (+ 1.8%) (+ 3.1%) (− 11.0%)
12/31/76 2,286 2,100 (91.9%) 186 ( 8.1%)
During 1977 − 60 − 84 + 24
(Diff) (− 2.6%) (− 4.0%) (+ 12.9%)
12/31/77 2,226 2,016 (90.6%) 210 ( 9.4%)
(Diff 2 Years) − 20 − 21 + 1
(− 0.9%) (− 1.0%) (+ 0.5%)
Total Non-Minorities Minorities
12/31/75 316 301 (95.3%) 15 (4.7%)
During 1976 + 205 + 190 + 15
(Diff) (+ 64.9%) (+ 63.1%) (+ 100.0%)
12/31/76 521 491 (94.2%) 30 (5.8%)
During 1977 + 246 + 223 + 23
(Diff) (+ 47.2%) (+ 45.4%) (+ 76.7%)
12/31/77 767 714 (93.1%) 53 (6.9%)
(Diff 2 Years) + 451 + 413 + 38
(+ 142.7%) (+ 137.2%) (+ 253.3%)
Total Non-Minorities Minorities
12/31/75 2,562 2,338 (91.3%) 224 (8.7%)
During 1976 + 245 + 253 − 8
(Diff) (+ 9.6%) (+ 10.8%) (− 3.6%)
12/31/76 2,807 2,591 (92.3%) 216 (7.7%)
During 1977 + 186 + 139 + 47
(Diff) (+ 6.6%) (+ 5.4%) (+ 21.8%)
12/31/77 2,993 2,730 (91.2%) 263 (8.8%)
(Diff 2 Years) + 431 + 392 + 39
(+ 16.8%) (+ 16.8%) (+ 17.4%)
Total Non-Minorities Minorities
12/31/75 2,735 2,558 (93.5%) 177 (6.5%)
During 1976 − 64 − 68 + 4
(Diff) (− 2.3%) (− 2.7%) (+ 2.3%)
12/31/76 2,671 2,490 (93.2%) 181 (6.8%)
During 1977 − 142 − 135 − 7
(Diff) (− 5.3%) (− 5.4%) (− 3.9%)
12/31/77 2,529 2,355 (93.1%) 174 (6.9%)
(Diff 2 Years) − 206 − 203 (− 3)
(− 7.5%) (− 7.9%) (− 1.7%)
All FS
Total Non-Minorities Minorities
12/31/75 8,758 8,211 (93.8%) 547 (6.2%)
During 1976 + 181 + 181
(Diff) (+ 2.1%) (+ 2.2%)
12/31/76 8,939 8,392 (93.9%) 547 (6.1%)
During 1977 + 97 + 48 + 49
(Diff) (+ 1.1%) (+ 0.6%) (+ 9.0%)
12/31/77 9,036 8,440 (93.4%) 596 (6.6%)
(Diff 2 Years) + 278 + 229 + 49
(+ 3.2%) (+ 2.8%) (+ 9.0%)
All GS (GS and GG)
Total Non-Minorities Minorities
12/31/75 3,489 2,162 (62.0%) 1,327 (38.0%)
During 1976 + 39 + 27 + 12
(Diff) (+ 1.1%) (+ 1.2%) (+ 0.9%)
12/31/76 3,528 2,189 (62.0%) 1,339 (38.0%)
During 1977 + 179 + 47 + 132
(Diff) (+ 5.1%) (+ 2.1%) (+ 9.9%)
12/31/77 3,707 2,236 (60.3%) 1,471 (39.7%)
(Diff 2 Years) + 218 + 74 + 144
(+ 6.2%) (+ 3.4%) (+ 10.9%)
[Page 860]

Tab E

Table Prepared in the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity10


[Page 861] [Page 862] [Page 863]
11/30/6911 12/31/77 9-Year Percent Change
Total Pop. Total Minorities Percent Total Pop. Total Minorities Percent
CA 8
CM 63 39 1 2.6 + 2.6
FSO/R/RU–1 & GS/GG–18/17 424 9 2.1 455 10 2.2 + 0.1
–2 –16 665 9 1.4 564 15 2.7 + 1.3
Sub Total Senior Level 1,160 18 1.6 1,058 26 2.5 + 0.9
FSO/R/RU–3, FSSO–1 & GS/GG–15/14 1,417 42 3.0 1,219 53 4.3 + 1.3
–4 –2 –13 1,460 49 3.4 1,453 79 5.4 + 2.0
–5 –3 –12 1,246 54 4.3 1,418 156 11.0 + 6.7
Sub Total Middle Level 4,123 145 3.5 4,090 288 7.0 + 3.5
FSO/R/RU–6, FSSO–4, & GS/GG–11/10 1,259 100 7.9 1,609 228 14.2 + 6.3
–7 –5 –9/8 1,489 222 14.9 1,869 364 19.5 + 4.6
–8 –6/7 –7 2,470 323 13.1 1,711 316 18.5 + 5.4
Sub Total Junior Level 5,218 645 12.4 5,189 908 17.5 + 5.1
FSS–8 & GS/GG–6 1,088 280 25.7 878 235 26.8 + 1.1
–9 –5 624 252 40.4 592 253 42.7 + 2.3
–10 –4/3/2/1 601 327 54.4 640 300 46.9 − 7.5
Sub Total Support Level 2,313 859 37.1 2,110 788 37.3 + 0.2
GRAND TOTAL FS & GS 12,814 1,667 13.0 12,447 2,010 16.1 + 3.1
CA 8
CM 63 39 1 2.6 + 2.6
FSO/R/RU–1 416 8 1.9 450 10 2.2 + 0.3
–2 647 9 1.4 543 15 2.8 + 1.4
Sub Total Senior Level 1,134 17 1.5 1,032 26 2.5 + 1.0
–3/FSSO–1 1,114 36 3.2 1,018 38 3.7 + 0.5
–4–2 1,240 39 3.1 1,310 64 4.9 + 1.8
–5–3 1,064 34 3.2 1,248 115 9.2 + 6.0
Sub Total Middle Level 3,418 109 3.2 3,576 217 6.1 + 2.9
–6–4 991 50 5.0 1,287 118 9.2 + 4.2
–7–5 948 66 7.0 1,255 107 8.5 + 1.5
–8–6 1,212 98 8.1 775 54 7.0 − 1.1
–7 848 71 8.4 464 33 7.1 − 1.3
Sub Total Junior Level 3,999 285 7.1 3,781 312 8.3 + 1.2
FSS–8 787 95 12.1 506 33 6.5 − 5.6
–9 225 31 13.8 100 7 7.0 − 6.8
–10 104 14 13.5 41 1 2.4 −11.1
Sub Total Support Level 1,116 140 12.5 647 41 6.3 − 6.2
TOTAL FS 9,667 551 5.7 9,036 596 6.6 + 0.9
CA 8
CM 63 39 1 2.6 + 2.6
FSO–1 299 5 1.7 341 8 2.3 + 0.6
–2 416 5 1.2 310 9 2.9 + 1.7
Sub Total Senior Level 786 10 1.3 690 18 2.6 + 1.3
–3 656 18 2.7 655 16 2.4 − 0.3
–4 635 13 2.0 803 31 3.9 + 1.9
–5 536 6 1.1 590 68 11.5 +10.4
Sub Total Middle Level 1,827 37 2.0 2,048 115 5.6 + 3.6
–6 441 11 2.5 397 24 6.0 + 3.5
–7 189 6 3.2 318 2 0.6 − 2.6
–8 35 3 8.6 61 − 8.6
Sub Total Junior Level 665 20 3.0 776 26 3.4 + 0.4
TOTAL FSO 3,278 67 2.0 3,514 159 4.5 + 2.5
FSR–1 117 3 2.6 60 1 1.7 − 0.9
–2 231 4 1.7 126 5 4.0 + 2.3
Sub Total Senior Level 348 7 2.0 186 6 3.2 + 1.2
–3 325 15 4.6 198 15 7.6 + 3.0
–4 320 16 5.0 285 16 5.6 + 0.6
–5 189 13 6.9 378 28 7.4 + 0.5
Sub Total Middle Level 834 44 5.3 861 59 6.9 + 1.6
–6 154 14 9.1 462 55 11.9 + 2.8
–7 98 30 30.6 534 71 13.3 −17.3
–8 37 17 45.9 183 19 10.4 −35.5
Sub Total Junior 289 61 21.1 1,179 145 12.3 − 8.8
TOTAL FSR 1,471 112 7.6 2,226 210 9.4 + 1.8
FSRU–1 49 1 2.0 + 2.0
–2 107 1 0.9 + 0.9
Sub Total Senior Level 156 2 1.3 + 1.3
–3 108 5 4.6 + 4.6
–4 124 13 10.5 +10.5
–5 109 6 5.5 + 5.5
Sub Total Middle Level (INTRODUCED 1971) 341 24 7.0 + 7.0
–6 166 14 8.4 + 8.4
–7 95 12 12.6 +12.6
–8 9 1 11.1 +11.1
Sub Total Junior Level 270 27 10.0 +10.0
TOTAL FSRU 767 53 6.9 + 6.9
FSSO–1 133 3 2.3 57 2 3.5 + 1.2
–2 285 10 3.5 98 4 4.1 + 0.6
–3 339 15 4.4 171 13 7.6 + 3.2
Sub Total Middle Level 757 28 3.7 326 19 5.8 + 2.1
–4 396 25 6.3 262 25 9.5 + 3.2
–5 661 30 4.5 308 22 7.1 + 2.6
–6 1,140 78 0.7 522 34 6.5 + 5.8
–7 848 71 8.4 464 33 7.1 − 1.3
Sub Total Junior Level 3,045 204 6.7 1,556 114 7.3 + 0.6
FSS–8 787 95 12.1 506 33 6.5 − 5.6
–9 225 31 13.8 100 7 7.0 − 6.8
–10 104 14 13.5 41 1 2.4 −11.1
Sub Total Support Level 1,116 140 12.5 647 41 6.3 − 6.2
TOTAL FSSO/FSS 4,918 372 7.6 2,529 174 6.9 − 0.7
GS–18 1 2
–17 7 1 14.3 3 −14.3
–16 18 21
Sub Total Senior Level 26 1 3.8 26 − 3.8
–15 161 5 3.1 112 11 9.8 + 6.7
–14 142 1 0.7 89 4 4.5 + 3.8
–13 220 10 4.6 143 15 10.5 + 5.9
–12 182 20 11.0 170 41 24.1 +13.1
Sub Total Middle Level 705 36 5.1 514 71 13.8 + 8.7
–11 235 47 20.0 268 96 35.8 +15.8
–10 33 3 9.1 54 14 25.9 +16.8
–9 337 91 27.0 377 147 39.0 +12.0
–8 204 65 31.7 237 110 46.4 +14.7
–7 410 154 37.6 472 229 48.5 +10.9
Sub Total Junior Level 1,219 360 29.5 1,408 596 42.3 +12.8
–6 301 185 61.5 372 202 54.3 − 7.2
–5 399 221 55.4 492 246 50.0 − 5.4
–4 293 173 59.0 316 126 39.9 −19.1
–3 118 69 58.5 175 100 57.1 − 1.4
–2 81 69 85.2 92 63 68.5 −16.7
–1 5 2 40.0 16 10 62.5 +22.5
Sub Total Support Level 1,197 719 60.1 1,463 747 51.1 − 9.0
TOTAL GS 3,147 1,116 35.5 3,411 1,414 41.5 + 6.0
CA 8
CM 63 39 1 2.6 + 2.6
FSO 3,207 67 2.1 3,475 158 4.5 + 2.4
FSR 1,471 112 7.6 2,226 210 9.4 + 1.8
FSRU 767 53 6.9 + 6.9
FSSO/FSS 4,918 372 7.6 2,529 174 6.9 − 0.7
TOTAL FOREIGN SERVICE 9,667 551 5.7 9,036 596 6.6 + 0.9
GS (GG not available) 3,147 1,116 35.5 3,411 1,414 41.5 + 6.0
GRAND TOTAL 12,814 1,667 13.0 12,447 2,010 16.1 + 3.1
[Page 864]

Tab F

Table Prepared in the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity13


Grade 11/6914 11/70 11/71 11/72 11/73 11/74 12/75 12/76 12/77 9-Year Diff
Senior Level
CM 1.9 2.0 2.3 4.3 2.2 2.5 2.6 + 2.6
FSO–1 1.7 2.1 2.2 1.4 1.1 2.2 2.2 1.9 2.3 + 0.6
–2 1.2 1.2 1.8 2.2 3.0 2.6 3.0 3.3 2.9 + 1.7
Total 1.3 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 + 1.3
Middle Level
FSO–3 2.7 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.9 3.4 2.7 2.8 2.4 − 0.3
–4 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.4 3.2 3.9 + 1.8
–5 1.1 1.5 1.9 3.0 5.6 8.2 9.1 10.8 11.5 + 10.4
Total 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.9 3.8 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.6 + 3.6
Junior Level
FSO–6 2.5 3.2 3.2 7.7 6.7 6.4 4.6 5.9 6.0 + 3.5
–7 3.2 3.1 4.4 4.5 2.8 2.3 2.3 0.4 0.6 − 2.6
–8 9.4 6.5 12.9 6.3 1.1 − 9.4
Total 3.0 3.3 4.2 6.8 5.0 4.1 3.2 3.0 3.4 + 0.4
TOTAL 2.0 2.3 2.6 3.4 3.7 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.5 + 2.5
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Records of the Under Secretary for Management (M), 1977–1978, Box 8, Chron March 1978. No classification marking. Copies were sent to Barnes and Clark.
  2. See Document 206.
  3. Andrew Young, U.S. Representative to the UN.
  4. Not found.
  5. No classification marking. Source: PER/MGT/OS Quarterly Summary of Employment (excluded are non-career Chiefs of Mission, FS/GS Unclassified, Consular Agents, Resident Staff, Wage Board, WAE, and Contract).
  6. No classification marking. Source: PER/MGT/OS Quarterly Summary of Employment (excluded are non-career Chiefs of Mission, FS/GS Unclassified, Consular Agents, Resident Staff, Wage Board, WAE, and Contract).
  7. Due to rounding, the sum of the sub group percent figures may not equal that of the total minorities figures on some lines. [Footnote is in the original.]
  8. No classification marking.
  9. No classification marking. Source: PER/MGT/OS Quarterly Summary of Employment (excluded are non-career Chiefs of Mission, FS/GS Unclassified, Consular Agents, Resident Staff, Wage Board, WAE, and Contract).
  10. No classification marking. Source: PER/MGT/OS Quarterly Summary of Employment (excluded are non-career Chiefs of Mission, FS/GS Unclassified, Consular Agents, Resident Staff, Wage Board, WAE, and Contract).
  11. 1969 is the earliest year for which reliable minority data are available at this time. [Footnote is in the original.]
  12. NOTE: Civil Service GG not included in this report due to lack of minority statistics in 1969. [Footnote is in the original.]
  13. No classification marking. Source: PER Summary of Employment (excluding non-Career Chiefs of Mission). Additional tables for Tab F are attached but not printed: Workforce Growth—Minorities, Minority FSOs by Primary Skill, and FSO Promotions.
  14. Earliest year for which reliable minority data available. [Footnote is in the original.]