- Aaron, David, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Acheson, Dean, Secretary of State from January 1949 until January 1953
- Albright, Madeline, Congressional Relations Officer, National Security Council Staff from March 1978 until January 1981
- Barnes, Harry G., Jr., Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Personnel, Department of State from December 1977
- Bass, Ken, Director of the Office of Intelligence Policy and Review, Department of Justice
- Bayh, Birch, Democratic Senator from Indiana; Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from January 1979
- Bell, Griffin, Attorney General from January 1977 until August 1979
- Bergland, Robert, Secretary of Agriculture
- Biden, Joseph R., Senator (D—Delaware)
- Bingham, Jonathan B., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—New York)
- Blake, John, Deputy Director for Administration, Central Intelligence Agency
- Blumenthal, W. Michael, Secretary of the Treasury until August 1979
- Bourbon, Philip J., Director of the Office of Civil Service Career Development and Assignments, Bureau of Personnel, Department of State
- Bowie, Robert, Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, from October 1977 until August 1979
- Bray, Charles W., Jr., Deputy Director of the International Communication Agency
- Brewster, Robert C., Inspector General of the Department of State and the Foreign Service from January 1979
- Brooks, Jack, member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Texas); Chairman of the House Committee on Government Operations
- Broomfield, William, member, U.S. House of Representatives (R—Michigan)
- Brown, George S., General, USAF, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until June 1978
- Brown, Harold, Secretary of Defense
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Buchanan, John H., Jr., member, U.S. House of Representatives (R—Alabama)
- Burke, J. Herbert, member, U.S. House of Representatives (R—Florida)
- Byrd, Robert, Senator (D—West Virginia); Senate Majority Leader
- Campbell, Alan K., “Scotty,” Chairman of the Civil Service Commission; Director of the Office of Personnel Management from January 1979
- Carlucci, Frank C., III, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from February 1978
- Carter, James Earl, “Jimmy,” President of the United States
- Case, Clifford P., member, U.S. House of Representatives (R—New Jersey)
- Ceausescu, Nicolae, President of Romania
- Christopher, Warren M., Deputy Secretary of State
- Church, Frank, Senator (D—Idaho)
- Civiletti, Benjamin, Deputy Attorney General from 1978 until July 1979; Attorney General from August 1979
- Clark, Joan, Director of Management Operations, Department of State
- Clay, William L., Sr., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Missouri)
- Cooper, Richard N., Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs from April 1977
- Cranston, Alan, Senator (D—California); Senate Minority Whip
- Culver, John, Senator (D—Iowa)
- Danforth, John, Senator (R—Missouri)
- Desai, Morarji, Indian Prime Minister
- Dick, James V., member, White House Staff
- Diggs, Charles C., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Michigan)
- Dirks, Leslie, Deputy Directory for Science and Technology, Central Intelligence Agency
- Downey, Thomas, member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—New York)
- Duffey, Joseph D., Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs from March 1977 until March 1978
- Ehrlich, Thomas, Director of the International Development Cooperation Agency
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., President from January 1953 until January 1961
- Eliot, Theodore L., Inspector General of the Department of State and the Foreign Service from July 1978 until October 1978
- Ericson, Richard, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State until 1978
- Farmer, Thomas L., Chairman of the Intelligence Oversight Board from May 1977
- Frenzel, William E., member, U.S. House of Representatives (R—Minnesota)
- Fukuda, Takeo, Japanese Prime Minister until December 1978
- Galloway, William, Executive Assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management
- Gambino, Robert, Director of Security, Central Intelligence Agency
- Gates, Robert M., Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from April 1979 until December 1979
- Gershenson, Robert S., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Personnel
- Gierek, Edward, First Secretary of the Polish United Workers Party
- Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, President of France
- Gore, Albert, Sr., member of the Intelligence Oversight Board from May 1977
- Halperin, Morton, member, National Security Council Staff, 1969
- Hansell, Herbert J., Legal Adviser of the Department of State from April 1977 until September 1979
- Hart, Gary S., Senator (D—Colorado)
- Heinz, H. John, III, Senator (R—Pennsylvania)
- Helms, Richard M., Director of Central Intelligence from 1966 until 1973; thereafter Ambassador to Iran until December 1976
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., Senator (R—Iowa) from 1945 until 1968
- Holbrooke, Richard C., Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from March 1977
- Hoskinson, Samuel M., Intelligence Coordinator, National Security Council Staff from January 1977 until May 1979
- Huddleston, Walter D., Senator (D—Kentucky); Chairman of the Subcommittee on Charters and Guidelines, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
- Humphrey, Hubert H., Jr., Senator (D—Minnesota) until his death in January 1978
- Humphrey, Muriel, Senator (D—Minnesota) from January until November 1978
- Hussein I (Husayn), King of Jordan
- Inderfurth, Karl, “Rick,” Assistant to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 1977 until April 1979
- Inouye, Daniel K., Senator (D—Hawaii); Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence until January 1979
- Isbister, James, Associate Director of Management, International Communication Agency
- Javits, Jacob K., Senator (R—New York)
- Johnson, Lyndon B., President of the United States from November 1963 until January 1969
- Jones, David C., General, USAF, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from June 1978
- Jones, James R., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Oklahoma)
- Katz, Julius, Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs until November 1979
- Kelley, Clarence M., Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation until February 1978
- Kennedy, Edward M., Senator (D—Massachusetts)
- Kennedy, John F., President of the United States from January 1961 until November 1963
- Kester, John G., Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
- Kissinger, Henry A., Secretary of State from September 1973 until January 1977
- Knoche, E. Henry, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from July 1976 until August 1977; Acting Director of Central Intelligence from January 1977 until March 1977
- Komer, Robert, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from October 1979
- Kreps, Juanita M., Secretary of Commerce from January 1977 until October 1979
- Kujovich, Gilbert L., Counsel of the Intelligence Oversight Board
- Laise, Carol C., Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Personnel until December 1977
- Lake, W. Anthony, Director of the Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- Lance, Thomas B., Director of the Office of Management and Budget from January 1977 until September 1977
- Lapham, Anthony A., General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency until May 1979
- Leach, Jim, member, U.S. House of Representatives (R—Iowa)
- Leahy, Patrick, Senator (D—Vermont)
- Lipshutz, Robert J., White House Counsel
- Lloyd, Janet, Director of the Family Liaison Office, Bureau of Personnel, Department of State
- López Portillo y Pacheco, José, President of Mexico
- Maguire, Gene, member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—New Jersey)
- Markey, Edward, member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Massachusetts)
- Marshall, Andrew W., Director, Office of Net Assessment, Department of Defense
- Marshall, Ray, Secretary of Labor
- Mason, Dwight, Special Assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management
- Mathias, Charles McC., Senator (R—Maryland); Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Charters and Guidelines, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
- Maynes, Charles W., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from April 1977 until April 1980
- McAfee, William, Deputy Director for Coordination, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State
- McGiffert, David E., Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from April 1977
- McGovern, George S., Senator (D—South Dakota); member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- McMahon, John N., Deputy Director for Operations, Central Intelligence Agency from January 1978
- Messner, Howard, Office of Management and Budget
- Meyner, Helen, member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—New Jersey) until January 1979
- Michel, James H., Deputy Legal Adviser, Department of State
- Mondale, Walter, Vice President of the United States
- Moore, Frank, Assistant to the President for Congressional Liaison
- Moose, Richard M., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management from March 1977 until August 1977; Chairman of the Secretary’s Task Force on Affirmative Action from March 1977; Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs from July 1977
- Murphy, Daniel J., Admiral, Deputy to the Director of Central Intelligence for the Intelligence Community from March 1976 to June 1977
- Muskie, Edmund S., Senator (D—Maine) until May 1980; Secretary of State from May 1980
- Needham, Helen Cohn, attorney at the Law Offices of Bruce J. Terris
- Newsom, David D., Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from April 1978; Chairman of the Board of the Foreign Service
- Nixon, Richard, President of the United States from January 1969 until August 1974
- Nunn, Samuel, Senator (D—Georgia)
- Nye, Joseph S., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology from 1977 until 1979
- Obasanjo, Olusegun, Nigerian Head of State
- O’Neill, Thomas, “Tip,” member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Massachusetts); Speaker of the House
- Owen, Henry, Special Representative for Economic Summits, National Security Council Staff, from October 1977
- Pahlavi, Mohammad Reza, Shah of Iran
- Palmer, Ronald, Director, Office of Foreign Service Career Development and Assignments, Bureau of Personnel, Department of State
- Pell, Claiborne, Senator (D—Rhode Island)
- Percy, Charles H., Senator (R—Illinois); member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Pettigrew, Richard, Assistant to the President for Reorganization
- Quandt, William, member, Middle East/North Africa Cluster, National Security Council Staff until August 1979
- Rangel, Charles B., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—New York)
- Read, Benjamin H., Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management from August 1977 until October 1978; thereafter Under Secretary of State for Management
- Ribicoff, Abraham A., Senator (D—Connecticut)
- Richard, Eric, Special Assistant to the Attorney General
- Roth, William V., Jr., Senator (R—Delaware)
- Ryan, Leo, member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—California)
- Saunders, Harold, Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research until April 1978; thereafter Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
- Schlesinger, James R., Director of Central Intelligence from February 1973 until July 1973
- Schmidt, Helmut, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Schroeder, Patricia, member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Colorado)
- Schultze, Charles L., Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers
- Scowcroft, Brent, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 1975 until January 1977
- Scranton, William, member, Intelligence Oversight Board from May 1977
- Shenefield, John, Associate Attorney General from 1979 until 1981
- Silver, Daniel B., General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency from May 1979
- Simon, William E., Secretary of the Treasury from May 1974 until January 1977
- Smith, William Y., Lieutenant General, USAF, Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Sparkman, John J., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Alabama)
- Spiers, Ronald I., Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research from January 1980
- Stevens, Sayre, Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
- Stevens, Theodore F., Senator (R—Alaska)
- Stevenson, Adlai, III, Senator (D—Illinois)
- Sugarman, Jule M., Vice Chairman of the Civil Service Commission from May 1977 until January 1979; thereafter Deputy Director of the Office of Personnel Management
- Szanton, Peter, Associate Director for Organization Studies, Office of Management and Budget
- Tarnoff, Peter, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive Secretary of the Department of State from April 1977 until February 1981
- Taylor, James H., Comptroller, Central Intelligence Agency, until September 1979
- Tighe, Eugene F., Lieutenant General, USAF, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency from September 1977
- Tito, Josip Broz, President of Yugoslavia
- Tracy, Thomas M., Assistant Secretary of State for Administration from September 1979
- Truman, Harry S., President of the United States from 1945 until 1953.
- Tsongas, Paul, member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Massachusetts)
- Turner, Stansfield, Admiral, Director of Central Intelligence from March 1977
- Udall, Morris K., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Arizona)
- Vaky, Viron P., “Pete,” Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs from July 1978 until November 1979
- Vance, Cyrus R., Secretary of State until April 1980
- Vance, Sheldon, former Ambassador to Zaire; member, American Foreign Service Association
- Vest, George S., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from June 1977
- Vine, Richard, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of European Affairs
- Watson, Jack, Jr., Secretary to the Cabinet and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs
- Weicker, Lowell, Jr., Senator (R—Connecticut)
- Wells, William, Deputy Director for Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
- White, John P., Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1979
- Wides, Burton V., Counsel of the Intelligence Oversight Committee from November 1977 until February 1979
- Wisner, Frank, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Department of State from 1977 until 1979
- Wolff, Alan, Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations from May 1977 until October 1979
- Wolff, Lester L., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—New York)
- Zablocki, Clement J., member, U.S. House of Representatives (D—Wisconsin); Chairman of the House International Relations Committee
- Zorinsky, Edward, Senator (D—Nebraska)