181. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Brzezinski) to President Carter1


  • Tarapur Fuel (U)

As you directed, we have polled other concerned agencies as to their preferences between Option 2A (issuance of the two pending licenses without commitment as to the future) and the ACDA Option (issuance of one license only at this time).2 (S)

NSC and all agencies except ACDA and DOE prefer Option 2A when given this choice. The principal arguments are:

—If we are going to make a gesture to India then it should be gracious. Issuing only one license will dissipate the effect. Your January 14 letter spoke of issuing both licenses.3

—If we should obtain evidence of Indian plans for a PNE we can always stop shipment under either license.

—The various negative factors associated with being forthcoming (Pakistani concerns, seeming backing off from our non-proliferation policy) will not be ameliorated by issuing one license instead of two. (S)

On the other side, DOE points out that it may be somewhat easier to gain Congressional support if we are seen to be keeping India on a short leash. (S)

As soon as you have made your decision, we will prepare a letter to Mrs. Gandhi informing her (and making some other points as well). We will also convene a working group to determine how to best approach the NRC and Congress. (C)


Do you prefer?

—Option 2A4

[Page 478]

ACDA Option


  1. Source: Carter Library, National Security Council, Institutional Files, Box 79, PRC 137, 4/9/80, Non-Proliferation and Tarapur [I]. Secret. Sent for action.
  2. See footnote 11, Document 180.
  3. See Document 166.
  4. Carter checked this option and initialed his approval. In an April 29 memorandum, Brzezinski informed the Secretaries of State, Defense, and Energy of Carter’s decision, noting that Carter would “proceed with an Executive Order (subject to Congressional veto) authorizing the first export and a favorable recommendation to the NRC on the second on the basis of the assurances provided by the Government of India thus far. The question of supply beyond these two licenses will remain open.” (Carter Library, National Security Council, Institutional Files, Box 79, PRC 137, 4/9/80, Non-Proliferation and Tarapur (I))