256. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Morocco1

202300. Subject: Reported Moroccan Policy of Pursuit Across International Borders.

1. (S) Entire text.

2. We are concerned at current indications that increased Moroccan combat effectiveness may be accompanied by increased tendency toward pursuit of Polisario forces including temporary violations of international frontiers. These indications include possible recent penetrations of Algerian and Mauritanian airspace by RMAF aircraft. [Page 628] Recently, we have statement to us by Moroccan source2 [less than 1 line not declassified] that the RMAF is now prepared to pursue Polisario even if it means violating neighbor’s air space. Source also indicated that eventual attacks against Polisario bases in Algeria or Moroccan-Algerian aircraft dog-fights could not be ruled out.

3. Department cannot view with equanimity an apparent development of Moroccan tactical doctrine which entails significant new risk of engaging Morocco in a direct military confrontation with Algeria. We believe therefore that at an early opportunity you should convey our concern to King Hassan, either directly or through suitable intermediary. Circumstances of Moroccan source’s talk with our people were such that you cannot refer directly to it in discussion with Hassan but we believe you can make the point by indirection.

4. In formulating your specific message, you may incorporate the following talking points:

—We continue strongly to support the goal of a compromise settlement in terms that all interested parties and particularly Morocco can live with.

—We understand Morocco’s need to make a strong military performance against Polisario. This was an important concern underlying the changes we made in our arms policy last fall.

—While we have made clear our continuing support for Morocco’s territorial integrity, we have at the same time believed that that integrity would not be enhanced by any widening of the war, particularly if it involved Algeria.

—We told the Polisario this spring that we would not maintain a continuing dialogue with them while they were operating inside territory of Morocco.3

—We are therefore concerned at recent reports that in late June or early July RMAF aircraft entered Algerian air space in pursuit of Polisario forces. We understand that similar incursion may have occurred in Mauritania.

—We hope that this does not mean that henceforth Moroccan combat aircraft and perhaps other forces may be authorized to follow doctrine of pursuit of retreating Polisario forces into Algerian territory. We find it easy to construct scenario under which this could quickly lead to a serious confrontation between two countries.

—We do not believe such a doctrine of hot pursuit is needed to persuade either the Polisario or the Algerian leadership of the impor [Page 629] tance of compromise as a prerequisite of a negotiated settlement. On the contrary, an extension of the war resulting from hot pursuit could adversely affect Moroccan position internationally and in the U.S.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D800365–0950. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. Sent for information Immediate to Algiers. Drafted by Coon; cleared in NEA, INR/RNA, S/P, NSC, P, PM, and L; approved by Christopher.
  2. Not found.
  3. See Document 253.