259. Message From the Department of State to the Swiss Ambassador to Iran (Lang)1

We would appreciate Ambassador Lang’s delivering the following message at the earliest possible moment to President Bani-Sadr from the USG:

1. While we are pleased that the hostages were visited,2 we hope that their conditions can be improved and that visits can take place on a regular basis.

2. Our continued objective is the prompt and safe release of all the American hostages. Because the hostages continue to be held in violation of international law and all principles of civilized behavior, we have today announced additional non-military steps.3 Under the circumstances, we have no choice but to take steps necessary to redress our grievances and to seek the cooperation of others in such measures.

3. We have seen statements indicating that there is a possibility of release before the parliament meets. This outcome is by far preferable to others that have been proposed. We would welcome your suggestions for achieving such a result, through any of the existing channels or otherwise as you may wish.

4. But we are also very concerned about press accounts out of Iran saying that the hostages may be kept through the summer. If the Majlis election takes place May 2, can you give us an estimate as to when it will be in a position to deal with the hostage situation, and how you will avoid a situation in which the Majlis would seek to impose conditions which the United States cannot and will not accept or to delay indefinitely an ultimate decision.

5. Beyond the present crisis it is our hope to build a new relationship with Iran based on equality and mutual respect.

  1. Source: Department of State, Official Files of [P] David D. Newsom, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Lot 82D85, Iran Update April 1980. Secret. Sent via the Swiss Embassy. Attached to an undated briefing memorandum from Saunders to Vance, Christopher, and Newsom entitled Iran Update—April 18, 1980.

  2. See footnote 2, Document 254.
  3. See Document 256 and footnote 2 thereto.