85. Letter From Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Johnson) to Secretary of Transportation Volpe1 2

Dear Mr. Secretary:

This is to confirm arrangements we discussed the other day by telephone for closer coordination between the Departments of State and Transportation on hijackings of international commercial aircraft.

When such an event takes place, the Operations Center in the Department of State immediately begins close surveillance of the situation and alerts representatives from the geographic bureau or bureaus concerned, as well as our aviation office in the Economic area. In addition, Jack Irwin, Bill Macomber and I are informed and one of us is always available for such direction as is necessary. If the gravity and complexity of events so dictate, a task force may be organized, physically located in the Operations Center, comprised of the representatives I have mentioned, to coordinate action until resolution of the episode.

Recognizing your Department’s interest in these matters, I propose that our Department Operations Officer alert General Benjamin Davis whenever an international hijacking occurs or whenever it appears that a domestic hijacking is evolving into an international incident. General Davis would be [Page 2] informed who is directing action for the Department and would be notified immediately if a formal task force is organized in order that Department of Transportation representatives might be provided. I believe these measures will meet your requirements. If you agree, I suggest that a member of your staff contact Mr. Theodore Eliot, our Executive Secretary, to work out appropriate details.

I should note that hijackings directly to Cuba are normally handled by our Coordinator for Cuban Affairs directly with the Cubans through the Swiss Embassy. We have had no problems with this arrangement, so that these incidents are never likely to require establishment of a task force. We will, however, keep your Department informed on these cases, as we have in the past.


U. Alexis Johnson
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970-73, AV 12. No classification marking. No drafting information appears on the letter.
  2. The Departments of State and Transportation agreed upon closer coordination of action in response to hijackings of international commercial aircraft.