8. Telegram 147491 From the Department of State to the Embassy in Italy1 2


  • State 147454


  • TWA Hijacking
With reference para two reftel, full text of message received by Israeli Embassy follows: Quote-The Foreign Minister refers to what Mr. Davies has told Chargé that the Syrians may be hinting that the release of our passengers may be tied to the release of the Syrian pilots. Mr. Eban would like the U.S. Government to know and the Government of Syria to know that the Syrians should not repeat not entertain any hope to get the release of their pilots by keeping our passengers in Damascus. The opposite is true. If the Israelis will not be released with all the passengers, the situation will become infinitely graver. Unquote.
Embassy should pass this to Foreign Ministry with request that it be passed soonest to SARG.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967-69, AV 12 US. Secret; Immediate; Exdis. Repeated to Tel Aviv. Drafted and approved by Davies and cleared by Eliot.
  2. The Syrian Government hinted that the release of TWA Flight 840 passengers might be tied to the release of Syrian military pilots held by the Israelis. The Israeli Government told Syria and the United States that this would not happen.