245. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon1 2


  • Space Cooperation with the USSR

A team of NASA experts has returned from a very successful visit (26-28 October) to Moscow where they discussed joint efforts to develop compatible space rendezvous and docking arrangements. Dr. George Low’s report of the visit is at Tab A.

The Soviet approach to the discussions marks a reversal of their previous and essentially negative attitude toward space cooperation. They were entirely direct and open, clearly intent upon reaching a positive result. Of particular note was the candor and comprehensiveness with which they briefed the US delegation on present and future Soviet docking systems.

The consequence of the meeting is an agreement soon to be signed by Dr. Low of NASA and President Keldysh of the Soviet Academy of Sciences which will form the basis for continued exploration of these procedures at the technical level.

I will report further developments as they evolve.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 392, Subject Files, Space Programs, 1970. No classification marking. Sent for information. Attached but not published at Tab A was an October 25 letter from Low to Kissinger. Nixon placed an exclamation point next to the second paragraph.
  2. Kissinger reported on the positive results of the U.S.-Soviet technical meeting on compatible docking equipment.