200. Telegram 4441 From the Embassy in Turkey to the Department of State1 2


  • Narcotics Meeting With Prime Minister Erim


  • Ankara 4439
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Summary: In climactic discussion of opium with Erim on June 26 we agreed that opium issue must be worked out within broad framework of US-Turkish relations. In end, Erim agreed to issue June 30 decree permitting fall-spring planting in four provinces, but stating there will be beyond that no rpt no further planting of poppy in Turkey. I agreed that in exchange USG will grant total $10-15 million to compensate farmers’ losses and foreign exchange losses for about three-year period and will grant additional $10 million to help improve way of life of affected farmers. I promised to encourage Washington to grant another $10 million in FY 73 and to work with international organizations to help Turkey. At Erim’s request, I agreed that we would ask President Nixon to send Erim message thanking Turkey for its efforts and pledging continued military and economic collaboration.

Of great interest was his clear statement on his attitude toward martial law. He said, “martial law cannot and should not continue. Turkey must reform and extremists must be curbed. Your action will be important in helping with reforms and in strengthening your ally.” [Page 2] Seems clear Erim now willing to take major political risk to solve this long issue. Problems undoubtedly still ahead of us, but way now open to removing serious obstacle to fruitful Turk-US relations. Erim was clearly interested in financial arrangements and possibility of aid from agricultural experts but was even more so in receiving public congratulations. I hope all possible steps will be taken to meet his desires. Would appreciate receiving Washington reaction by COB Monday. End summmary.

In climactic discussion of opium issue I met June 26 from 1800 to 1940 with Prime Minister Erim at his residence. With him were Deputy Prime Minister Karaosmanoglu and FonMin Deputy Director General Arim. Hill and Greene came with me.
We both recalled Golcuk ship launching ceremonies of previous day (Ankara 4406 A) and Erim noted Turkey, with help of foreigners, is beginning again to build a navy. Had done so in past under Ottoman empire, but qte in days of decadence unqte Turkey had lost much. Now, little by little, it was moving forward. I quoted gist of Commodore Porters’ comment in early nineteenth century that he would take it as his mission in Ottoman empire to help build strong navy.
Using this as cue, Prime Minister said Turkey now needs help to build new agricultural system. He asked Erim to summarize in English excerpts from Turkish record of recent US-Turk meetings. Erim then gave good, factual summary key points related to opium in Erim’s meeting with Secretary Rogers on April 29. Then he covered in similar fashion my meetings with Erim on April 27 and May 17.
I next summarized developments since May 17 presentation of Turkish proposal, my trip to Washington and meeting at White House, the USG’s offer of a $10-15 million grant and possible longer range assistance, and recent fruitless negotiations at experts level, trouble is I said, point to my watch, June 30 is not far away.
I then repeated full USG offer. We prepared, if Turkey grows no more poppies after June 1972, to grant GOT $10-15 million to assist over next three years. Farmers who give up opium production and to help cover foreign exchange loss. In addition, we prepared to grant in FY 72 another $10 million to help develop agro-industry in areas where farmers will be seeking new and better way of life. Furthermore, I said I was prepared personally to recommend to Washington that another $10 million be granted for same purpose in FY 73. Qte Isn’t that enough evidence of our intention? Unqte.
As I had said many times during past few days, I repeated that none of this money was in any way to be based on illegal production of opium. I said I considered myself a veteran of congressional hearings and I knew how case of any official presenting request for aid to Turkey would be enormously strengthened if he could report Turkey qte had made that extra effort to end this poisonous problem unqte. On contrary, if such an official had to report Turkey still important source of opium, he would find it extremely difficult to ask Congress for the more than $200 million per year which Congress appropriates for Turkey.
In addition to specific figures involved in USG’s proposal, I suggested it was possible USAID program in Turkey could be directed more towards helping agro-industry and agricultural sector. We would also encourage IBRD, UNDP, and Ford and Rockefeller Foundations to assist.
In end, though I thought money was not most important element. Friendship with Turkey and commitment to defense of Turkey were keys to our relationship. We are facing, I said, combination of practical political problems on both sides, qte but I fervently ask you to take step which will cause Turkey to be acclaimed by world unqte.
Speaking in Turkish (Karaosmanoglu interpreted), Erim noted once more that from beginning he had called opium question humanitarian problem and had agreed that restrictions and eventual eradication must be Turkey’s goals. Qte but I must have something that will appeal to public opinion unqte so farmers will not suffer loss and so this year’s crop will be sold to TMO. Qte if you can give me this, then next year we will stop unqte.
One very practical point, Erim continued, is that any calculations for compensation must be based on 1971 crop and on 1971 international legal price for opium. This must include all elements of poppy crop such as straw and seeds. I said yes to all of this. Karaosmanoglu commented Turkey would be foregoing sure source of foreign exchange a point which he made several times in Turkish to Erim. I said, if you do not eradicate, [Page 5] you may also be giving up another sure source of foreign exchange-USG financial assistance.
To cover loss in foreign exchange, Karaosmanoglu said Turkey needs industry and an assured market for industry’s products. Erim agreed. He wondered whether American offer would be enough to cover TMO purchases. I told him that I was ready to bet it would. I also concurred with them that we would be covering all poppy byproducts except perhaps oil, costs of which difficult to calculate since it mostly consumed by farmers themselves. We all commented use of oil was long engrained habit which would be difficult to break. Karaosmanoglu, who seemed exhausted but was generally friendlier than at our other meetings, said it was something like his son’s continuing craving for American hamburgers. Qte there is no way to compensate for that unqte.
Erim again agreed, but said qte I will take brunt of this and other problems unqte for sake of US friendship. Qte it might even bring about fall of my govt unqte.
Erim said he had another point that must be made clear. American compensation could not be just for two or three years. It must continue until farmer’s income from new sources matched that from opium.
Erim recalled that when he had been in US, he, like Khrushchev, had been greatly impressed by exceptional agricultural developments there. Qte so, send your experts here and devise new type of agriculture so we can have better life for our farmers unqte. Erim said in 1948, when he was Minister of Public Works, American qte road mission unqte had come to Turkey and it had been impressive success. Qte now send US agricultural mission to go to Afyon and Burdue and change agriculture there unqte. Karaosmanoglu realistically [Page 6] commented that things are different now and I agreed. Erim continued what he wants is model in agriculture such as Hilton Hotel has been for hotels of Turkey.
After exchange in Turkish with Karaosmanoglu, Prime Minister said two of them would prepare new decree for June 30 release and public statement which would be made at same time. Decree would announce end to poppy farming after crop to be planted in four provinces this fall. In return, he proposed that President Nixon send message expressing American feelings as consequence of these steps. Compensation for those going out of business would be based on this year’s crop and there would also be compensation for loss of foreign exchange, again based on this year’s prices. This arrangement would continue until earnings from new sources equalled this year’s earnings from opium. I objected that this seemed to be open-ended arrangement. Erim quickly said in English qte, no, no it will be done in three or four years. Each year we will calculate income from new crops such as sunflowers and see what gap is. It won’t take long unqte. I suggested there many possible substitutes, one of which might be tourism in considering possibilities we should not have blinders on.
Turning to more general subject, Erim commented US is of course leader of West, but is 10,000 miles away from Turkey. Russia is close and danger is real. He mentioned Bizim Radio (Turkish Communist radio in East Germany) and recalled that more than two years before he had told Greene of danger in Communist publications being spread about in Turkey. Qte all of this is very serious for us unqte. When Prime Minister talks to public, qte he must show that Turkish interests are being protected unqte. Many people, Erim said, believe qte Turkey is being used by US, like Spain unqte. I quickly pointed out Spain does not enjoy NATO defense [Page 7] arrangements we have with Turkey.
I had been jotting down points on which we seemed in agreement and, at this point, I read to Prime Minister my understanding of them: (a) Turks will draft new decree and statement and will give US advance copies (b) decree will say fall planting will be permitted in four provinces (c) thereafter there will be no poppy farming in Turkey (d) US will provide compensation for eradication based on 1971 legal prices, coming to total of $10-15 million to be spread out over next two-three years (e) I will request President Nixon to send Erim a message on the steps taken by GOT (f) USG pledges to grant $10 million in FY 72 to help farmers affected by decision not to grow poppies and (g) we will see what else we can do to provide technical know-how so affected farmers will have better life. I will recommend to Washington that a high-level mission come to Turkey to advise on development of Turkish agriculture, particularly in areas affected by opium eradication.
Erim said foreign exchange compensation must be based on 1971 international legal price, as, for example, at Hamburg. Karaosmanoglu said income from all agricultural products must eventually match income gained from old opium land. Erim pointed out program should include all seven provinces now growing poppies. I replied we would consider what we might do for three that will not grow for 1972 crop, but no money could be involved. Erim concluded total amount of money not important, but friendship is.
Karaosmanoglu said there might be technical, legal problem in connection with eradication. Same point he made to me at Goluk (para 8 Ankara 4437). Erim promised, if that were case, he would have new law on subject passed.
Going back to message from President Nixon [Page 8] Erim explained he hoped it would include references to assurances given him by Secretary Rogers, recognition of Turkey’s efforts in controlling and eradicating opium, promise to as for assistance from World Bank and other international organizations, and statement that US-Turk military and economic collaboration will continue. To our specific question, he said he wanted statement to be public one. Before President’s message, GOT will have issued decree and made statement.
Moving at least partly beyond opium question, Erim reported govt now actively preparing land reform program. It will begin in southeast Turkey and will be, qte Western type land reform unqte such as in Italy and Taipei. Qte we will not follow the Eastern road we will compensate unqte. Karaosmanoglu noted he was working on that very point now.
Erim said he wanted US to know it had reliable ally in Turkey. Qte we must undertake fiscal, agricultural and educational reforms and so have a normal state. Martial law cannot and should not continue unqte. If Turkey is to survive thereafter, qte reforms are necessary and extremists must be curbed. Your action will be important in helping with reforms and in strengthening your ally unqte.
I asked if we could have a copy of Erim’s understanding of our discussion. He replied that Erim would have it ready for us in English next day.
Erim mentioned that he and Karaosmanoglu had been in National Security Council meeting that morning and implied opium had been one subject of discussion. Karaosmanoglu said he had explained to NSC nature of heroin problem in US by nothing that, if he had remained in US few more years his nine-year-old son would have been in danger.
Erim said, if he might quote Bulent Ecevit, (Erim’s principal foe in Republic Peoples Party) what he wanted to do was change the order in Turkey—like the Labor Party did in Britain after 1945. Qte to do so, we will need your [Page 10] help unqte.
Erim promised to give me a copy of the draft decree and statement on Monday.
I said our discussion could mark beginnings of stronger US-Turk alliance. Erim replied qte every occasion must strengthen that alliance unqte.
Karaosmanoglu noted situation reminded him of Robert Frost’s qte Mending Walls unqte, from which he then put a few lines into Turkish for Erim. I began to quote Ataturk’s remark about Turkey being alive to suffering of world, but before I could get few words out, Erim took over and described statement concluding Turkey still believes in this.
Comment: From foregoing it seems clear Prime Minister is now prepared to take major risk to his political position to meet our request for total eradication after next planting season. It is also clear his main financial requirement will be adequate compensation for farmers giving up production of opium poppy and for loss of foreign exchange. Our pledge of $10 million in grant assistance for agro-industry development in affected areas and my promise to recommend to Washington granting of additional amount for FY 73 seemed to be persuasive.
A major discrepancy might develop if sale of this year’s crop to TMO and the export at world market prices should subtantially surpass our computations in $10-15 million offer. I think, however, this amount should be enough for two-three year period, but I believe we should be prepared to consider another tranche or two beyond that promised, if TMO purchases and world market prices so warrant.
Prime Minister seemed place heaviest emphasis not on money but on having Turkey receive public congratulations from President about outstanding contribution that had been made by sacrificing a centuries-old crop. He believes this decision will affect world, especially US.
Erim also demonstrated great faith in US agricultural experts who might be able to help guide Turkish agriculture, especially in those provinces where poppy had been eradicated, to new and brighter future.
I and my colleagues left last night’s meeting with feeling that courageous and forward looking friend of US had decided on a step no other Turkish politician could take under current circumstances.
We have already received English summary transcript of talks as prepared by Turkish note-taker (Arim). It is in general agreement with our record, but to make certain there no doubts, we will give Erim informal summary of our understanding of last night’s conversation. We presume Prime Minister’s statement now being prepared and we know legal people at work on decree.
Erim and his associates, according to Arim, talked a bit more after we left last night. Among other subjects they covered possible legal problems in total eradication. Arim said he told two Ministers about possibilities under Article 22 of Single Convention, of an qte international exit unqte as I had explained to Olcay on June 24 when I left copy with him.
We are preparing contingency draft of possible presidential message to follow issuance of Prime Minister’s statement and publication of [Page 12] decree. I agreed, if Washington concurred in presidential statement, that we would arrange for advance text to be show to Erim, following which there would be simultaneous release.
Would much appreciate knowing by no later than close of business on Monday Washington’s reaction to events of past two days, particularly last night’s meeting.
I am now convinced that long and disturbing issue of opium production in Turkey can be removed as obstacle to fruitful Turkish-US relations. If things move the way I hope, I would also hope we could enlist assistance of senior Senators, Congressmen, Governors, Mayors and other notable to make or send congratulatory statements to Turkey on what is historical action.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970-73, INCO-DRUGS TUR. Secret; Immediate; Exdis.
  2. Ambassador Handley reported that a final deal on opium control had been negotiated with Prime Minister ERIM.