192. Telegram 100799 from the Department of State to the Embassy in Turkey1 2


  • Ankara’s 3911
Fully endorse your view that early meeting with Prime Minister now desirable. You authorized inform Prime Minister that President Nixon has asked you to pass personal message given below.

Begin text: In recent days I have been even more deeply disturbed by the catastrophic proportions of the heroin problem in the United States which is becoming graver day by day. My June 1 announcement to the American people, who are alarmed and aroused because this problem has become a national epidemic, stressed that this Administration shall place the highest priority at all levels on solving this problem. We intend to step up our national program by even more vigorous efforts. The worldwide efforts to control opium production, including the vigorous steps of your Government, has my closest personal attention.

[Page 2]

The statement on opium in your Government’s program was gratifying; it is an encouraging example of humanitarian understanding and concern. I am aware of the important matters awaiting your decision in response to proposals made by Ambassador Handley on May 17, and fully appreciate the difficulties that these present. It is clear to me, however, that the entire world will applaud decisive action by your Government on this difficult problem. Such action would also serve as an inspiration and example for other nations. You have my assurance that the United States stands prepared to help in any useful way. Ambassador Handley has been asked to discuss with you some important aspects of our cooperation in this field. End text

For Ambassador: President intends, as part of major new initiatives referred to in para. 2, to send a message to Congress and possibly address the nation on all phases of the drug problem in next two or three weeks. Present intention is not, repeat not, to single out any one nation for mention. [Page 3] However, in light of coincidence of Turkish decisions and the President’s message, we wish to consult on the manner in which the President might most usefully treat the issue of bilateral cooperation. You are therefore instructed to inform Erim most confidentially of above and ask for his suggestions as to how to play coming Turkish decisions and future cooperation in a way that would be most helpful to him. FYI. While we understand possible problems in Ankara, it would be ideal from viewpoint of dealing with criticism of Turkey here, if a Turkish decision to end poppy growth could be highlighted either in the President’s message or in background briefings on his proposals. Such a decision would represent successful culmination intensive US diplomatic effort and statesmanlike Turkish government response to humanitarian problem. Alternatively, unhelpful Turkish decisions at this particular time would feed criticism here. Therefore, earliest possible information on direction of Turkish [Page 4] decisions and PM’s personal suggestions as to our handling would be most helpful. An important purpose of this portion of your conversation with the PM is to make clear that the President is deeply interested in engaging in the highest level and most confidential consultations on this issue.

Above states ideal. We willing to play Turkish angle in accordance with Erim’s judgment. End FYI

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970-73, INCO-DRUGS TUR. Secret; Priority; Exdis. Drafted by Geoffrey Ogden (NEA/TUR), cleared by, Wellman, and NEA/TUR, in substance by Sisco, and approved by Davies. The account of Handley’s discussion with Erim is in telegram 3489 from Ankara, May 18, and is printed in Foreign Relations, 1969–1976, Eastern Mediterranean and Eastern Europe, 1969–1972, Volume XXIX.
  2. The Department endorsed the idea of another meeting between Ambassador Handley and Turkish Prime Minister ERIM. The telegram also transmitted the text of a personal message to Erim from President Nixon.