181. Memorandum From the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council Staff (Davis) to the Executive Secretary of the Department of State (Eliot)1 2


  • PL-480 Wheat for Turkey (S/S 12059)

The President has approved the sale of 500,000 tons of PL-480 wheat for Turkey without linking it or future sales to the opium program at this stage.

Ambassador Handley should be instructed to confirm privately to the Prime Minister or Foreign Minister that the delay in our response was occasioned by the concern of some in the USG-in response to mounting Congressional concern-that there should be a Turkish quid pro quo in the area of opium suppression. He should also say that it may be desirable to discuss at a later date whether it might not be useful to devote the proceeds from any additional sales to the opium suppression program.

Jeanne W. Davis
Staff Secretary
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 358, Subject Files, Narcotics III. Secret. A notation on the memorandum indicates Davis signed the original.
  2. Davis reported that President Nixon approved the sale of 500,000 tons of PL-480 wheat to Turkey without linking it to an opium production control program.