177. Memorandum From Secretary of State Rogers to President Nixon1 2


[Paragraph unrelated to Global Issues has been omitted]

2. Narcotics, Embargo and the Trade Bill-U.S. Ambassador to Turkey Bill Handley and other Department officers called this afternoon on Congressman Vanik to discuss some of the problems created by the amendment he has proposed to the Trade Bill which would give the President authority to impose an embargo on trade with any country which permits uncontrolled or unregulated production or trafficking in poppy-derived drugs, so as to permit these drugs to get into the U.S. through illicit channels. We stressed that our objective is the same as Vanik’s to curb illicit drug production in Turkey and elsewhere, but that we are concerned that the legislation of sanctions and particularly publicity about it will have a negative rather than a positive effect on the actions of other countries, particularly Turkey.

Vanik pointed out that the amendment had already been introduced, but said he would be glad to make minor alterations if we wanted to suggest any. He also offered to incorporate helpful language in the report. He indicated that there would be no further Committee discussion in open session, that the markup would be completed by Monday, and the report issued Wednesday so as to reach the floor soon after the recess. As it would come up under a closed rule, there would be no floor debate on details. He felt that if no such provision were included in the House bill, it would be added in the Senate with more public discussion. Vanik saw no possibility of eliminating some such provision and suggested that the present situation might be the least damaging that we could expect.

[Paragraph Unrelated to Global Issues omitted here]

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William P. Rogers
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, President’s Evening Reading: Lot 74 D 164. Secret. Eliot signed for Rogers.
  2. Rogers reported that Ambassador Handley and other Department of State officials met with Congressman Vanik to discuss his proposed amendment to the Trade Bill that would give the President authority to impose a trade embargo on countries that permitted trafficking in poppy-derived drugs.