112. Editorial Note

In his diary entry for July 15, 1970, President’s Assistant H.R. Haldeman recorded that “[Kissinger] is building up a new head of steam about Rogers. Bill has made some startling statements about Cambodia as a non-success, encouragement of Chinese, harm done to his Middle East efforts by White House comments, etc. K still feels this is all part of a plan to do him in and to take over foreign policy by State from White House. Talked to me several times.” Haldeman agreed to “get Haig in with P to discuss the whole problem.” (The Haldeman Diaries: Multimedia Edition)

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The next day, according to his diary entry, Haldeman had a long talk with President Nixon about Secretary Rogers and Henry Kissinger. “P was willing to listen to my version of K and Haig’s story. He only bought part of it. He knows what the Rogers problem is, but he feels K is too self-concerned and inclined to overdramatize, which is true. Solution lies in better understanding both ways, but it’s not likely because neither Rogers nor K will really admit the other might be right. P also feel K is overly concerned about anything that affects Israel. Had me call Haig for reaction to Rogers press conference [on July 15]. Al felt he had backtracked very well but that still doesn’t solve real problem, which is the clear impression of a major wedge between State and WH on basic major foreign policy positions. Hard to cover that up now that it’s out, and the weasels will use it to the hilt. P doesn’t fully buy Haig’s view, but understands it.” (Ibid.)