The Intelligence Community and the White House
179. Memorandum From Director of Central Intelligence Helms to President-Elect Nixon
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Agency Files, Box 207, CIA, Vol. I, Jan 69–31 Dec 69. Top Secret; Handle via Byeman Comint Channels.
180. Memorandum From [name not declassified] of the Central Intelligence Agency to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs-Designate (Kissinger)
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Kissinger Office Files, Box 1, HAK Administrative and Staff Files—Transition, Nov. 1968–Jan. 1969,C.I.A. Confidential.
181. Memorandum From Director of Central Intelligence Helms to Secretary of State Rogers
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Executive Registry Files, Job 80–R01580R, Box 1, Folder 10, State. Secret; Sensitive. Drafted by Godfrey on January 21.
182. Memorandum From Frank Chapin of the National Security Council Staff to Director of Central Intelligence Helms
Source: National Security Council, Nixon Intelligence Files, NSC Files, 303/40 Committee Records, The 40 Committee. Secret; Eyes Only.
183. Memorandum From the Director of Central Intelligence’s Deputy for National Intelligence Programs Evaluation (Bross) to Director of Central Intelligence Helms
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Executive Registry Files, Job 80–R01284A, Box 4, Folder 2, Intelligence Community Reorganization. Secret. A copy was sent to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence.
184. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon
Source: National Security Council, Nixon Intelligence Files, NSC Files, 303/40 Committee Records, The 40 Committee. Secret.
185. Memorandum for the Record
Source: National Security Council, Nixon Intelligence Files, NSC Files, 303/40 Committee, Minutes, 1969. Secret; Eyes Only. Prepared by Chapin on February 6. Copies were sent to Johnson, Packard, Helms, and Mayo (item 1 only).
187. Memorandum From Director of Central Intelligence Helms to Secretary of Defense Laird and the Deputy Secretary of Defense (Packard)
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Executive Registry Files, Job 80–R01284A, Box 14, Folder 8, DCI Chron 1969. Top Secret; Handle via Byeman Comint Channels.
188. Executive Order 11460
Source: 34 Federal Register 5535. Documentation on the formulation of the executive order—including the draft executive order prepared by PFIAB member Frank Lincoln, revisions urged by PFIAB Chairman Maxwell Taylor, and objections raised by Laird and Helms—is in the National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Agency Files, Box 274, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board—Vol. 1 [1969]. Also see Document 186. Significant differences in E.O. 11460 from E.O. 10938 of May 4, 1961, which it replaced, are footnoted below. E.O. 10938 is in 26 Federal Register 3951.
189. Memorandum From Frank Chapin of the National Security Council Staff to the Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency (Karamessines)
Source: National Security Council, Nixon Intelligence Files, NSC Files, 303/40 Committee Records, The 40 Committee. Secret.
190. Memorandum From the Deputy Director of the Office of Economic Research, Directorate of Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency (Walsh) to the Acting Deputy Director for Intelligence (Proctor)
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DDI Files, Job 79–T01159A, Box 4, Folder 3, Defense Intelligence Agency, 1969–1970. Secret.
191. Memorandum From [name not declassified] of the Central Intelligence Agency to Director of Central Intelligence Helms
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Executive Registry Files, Job 80–B01086A, NSC Meetings. Secret. Helms sent copies of the memorandum to the Deputy Directors for Intelligence, Plans, and Science and Technology, the Chairman of the Board of National Estimates, and the Special Assistant for Vietnamese Affairs, under cover of a June 18 note stating: “This is an accurate reflection of what the President said, and we must be most scrupulous in abiding by his wishes.”
192. Letter From Director of Central Intelligence Helms to the Deputy Secretary of Defense (Packard)
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Executive Registry Files, Job 80–R01284A, Box 3, Folder 25, Defense Intelligence Reorganization. Secret; Handle via Byeman Control System Only.
193. Memorandum by Secretary of Defense Laird
Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OSD Files: FRC 330 74 132, Intelligence Matters. For Official Use Only.
194. Memorandum of Conversation
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Executive Registry Files, Job 80–R01580R, Box 1, Folder 2, White House. Secret. Drafted on September 23.
195. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to Director of Central Intelligence Helms
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Executive Registry Files, Job 80–R01284A, Box 3, Folder 33, C–17–303 Committee. Top Secret; Sensitive.
196. Memorandum From Director of Central Intelligence Helms to the Chairman of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (Taylor)
Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Executive Registry Files, Job 80–R01284A, Box 14, Folder 8, ER Files—DCI Chron, 1969. Top Secret; Handle via Byeman Comint Control Systems Jointly; Handle via Talent-Keyhole Channels Only.
197. Memorandum for the Record
[Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Agency Files, Box 275, PFIAB, Vol. II. Top Secret; Handle via Byeman Talent Control Systems Jointly. 4 pages of source text not declassified in time for publication.]
198. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Subject Files, Box 360, National Intelligence Estimates. Top Secret; Ruff; Umbra. Sent for information. A copy was sent to Lynn on December 9.
200. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, Agency Files, Box 275, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, Vol. III, 1–1–70 through 4–30–70. Confidential. Sent for information. A copy was sent to Lynn.
201. Memorandum From James Gardner of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (Hurwitch)
Source: Department of State, INR/IL Historical Files, State/CIA Relations, 1970–1972. Secret. James R. Gardiner was in the office of INR’s Deputy Director for Coordination.
202. Statement Prepared for Secretary of Defense Laird in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Administration
Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OSD Files: FRC 330 74 142, Folder #33 (Items of Special Interest). No classification marking.
203. National Security Decision Memorandum 40
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–213, National Security Decision Memoranda, NSDM 40. Top Secret. Copies were sent to Mitchell and Kissinger. In forwarding NSDM 40 to the President for his signature, Kissinger noted that “in view of recent mention of the 303 Committee in the public media, the directive changes the committee name to coincide with the number assigned to the NSDM itself, which is 40.” (Undated memorandum; National Security Council, 303/40 Committee Records, The 40 Committee)
204. Memorandum From the Consultant to the National Security Council (Joyce) to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Name Files, Box 825, Marshall, Andrew, Vol. I, 1969–1971. Secret. Sent for action. The memorandum was sent through Lynn.
205. Memorandum From the Consultant to the National Security Council (Marshall) to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Name Files, Box 825, Marshall, Andrew, Vol. I, 1969–1971. Top Secret; Sensitive. Sent for information. The tabs are attached but not printed.
206. Memorandum From the Consultant to the National Security Council (Marshall) to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Name Files, Box 825, Marshall, Andrew, Vol. I, 1969–1971. Top Secret; Sensitive. Sent for action. The tabs are attached but not printed.
207. Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Subject Files, Box 372, Presidential Directive on Reduction of U.S. Personnel Overseas. Secret; Sensitive; Nodis. Sent for action.
208. Memorandum From the Director of the Program Analysis Staff, National Security Council (Lynn) to the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)
Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Subject Files, Box 360, National Intelligence Estimates. Secret. Sent for action. The tabs are attached but not printed. Kissinger wrote at the top of page 1: “Lynn—I want to discuss soonest.”