- Abshire, David M., Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations from April 1970
- Anderson, Admiral George W., Jr., USN, Chairman of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board from May 1970
- Ash, Roy L., Chairman of the President’s Advisory Council on Executive Organization, 1969–1971
- Behr, Colonel Robert M., USAF, Member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (Scientific Affairs) from 1969 to 1971
- Bergsten, C. Fred, Member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (International Economic Affairs) from January 1969 to June 1971
- Bross, John A., Deputy to the Director of Central Intelligence for National Intelligence Programs Evaluation until January 25, 1971
- Burke, Gerard P., Executive Secretary of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board from September 1970
- Burns, John H., Director General of the Foreign Service from August 1969 until June 1971
- Cargo, William I., Director of the Planning and Coordination Staff, Department of State from August 1969
- Chapin, Frank M., Member and Senior CIA Officer on the National Security Council Staff from 1969 to 1971
- Cline, Ray S., Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State, from October 1969
- Colby, William E., Executive Director-Comptroller, Central Intelligence Agency, from January 1972
- Connally, John B., Secretary of the Treasury from February 1971 until June 1972
- Cooke, David O., Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Administration from June until November 1971; thereafter Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Administration
- Coyne, J. Patrick, Executive Secretary of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board until September 1970
- Cushman, Jr., Lieutenant General Robert E., USMC, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence until December 1971
- Davis, Jeanne, Director of the National Security Council Secretariat, 1969–1970; thereafter National Security Council Staff Secretary
- Dean, John W., III, Counsel to the President from July 1970
- DeLoach, Cartha D., Assistant to the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, until 1970
- Ehrlichman, John D., Counsel to the President from January to November 1969; thereafter Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs
- Elliot, Theodore L., Jr., Executive Secretary of the Department of State from August 1969
- Ellsworth, Robert F., Assistant to the President from January 1969 until March 1969; Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization from March 1969 until June 1971
- Fazio, V. James, Member of the National Security Council Staff and Assistant Director of the White House Situation Room from 1970
- Flanigan, Peter M., Consultant to the President on Administration and Staffing from January to April 1969; Assistant to the President; Executive Director of the Council for International Economic Policy from February 1972
- Froehlke, Robert F., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Administration from January 1969 to June 1971; thereafter Secretary of the Army
- Fulbright, J. William, Democratic Senator from Arkansas; Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
- Gayler, Vice Admiral Noel A. M., USN, Director, National Security Agency from August 1969 until 1971
- Gromyko, Andrei A., Soviet Foreign Minister
- Haig, Jr., Brigadier General Alexander M., USA, Military Assistant to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 1969 until June 1970; thereafter Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
- Haldeman, H. R., Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff from January 1969
- Hall, Albert C., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence from November 1971
- Hall, William O., Director General of the Foreign Service from July 1971
- Halperin, Morton H., Assistant for Programs, National Security Council Staff, from January to September 1969
- Hannah, John A., Administrator of the Agency for International Development from April 1969
- Harlow, Bryce N., Assistant to the President from January 1969 until November 1969; Counselor to the President from November 1969 until December 1970
- Hartman, Arthur A., Special Assistant and Staff Director, Under Secretaries Committee, Department of State from February 1969; thereafter Deputy Director for Coordination, Planning and Coordination Staff, from August 1969 until July 1972
- Hillenbrand, Martin J. A., Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs from February 1969 to April 1972; Ambassador to Germany from June 1972
- Helms, Richard M., Director of Central Intelligence
- Hoover, J. Edgar, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation until May 1972
- Hormats, Robert, Member of the National Security Council Operations Staff, International Economic Affairs, from 1969
- Houdek, Robert, Staff member of the Office of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, National Security Council Staff, from January 1969 to July 1971
- Irwin, John N., II, Under Secretary of State from September 1970 until July 1972; thereafter redesignated as Deputy Secretary of State
- Jessup, Peter, Secretary of the 303 Committee and its successor the 40 Committee until 1972
- Johnson, U. Alexis, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from February 1969
- Karamessines, Thomas H., Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., Under Secretary of State until January 20, 1969
- Kennedy, David M., Secretary of the Treasury from January 1969 until February 1971; Ambassador at Large from February 1971; Permanent Representative on the NATO Council from March 1972
- Kennedy, Colonel Richard T., Member of the National Security Council Staff, 1969–1970; thereafter Director of the Planning Group, National Security Council Staff
- Kissinger, Henry A., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from January 1969
- Klein, Herbert G., Director of Communications for the Executive Branch from January 1969
- Kleindienst, Richard G., Attorney General from June 1972
- Laird, Melvin R., Secretary of Defense from January 1969
- Lake, W. Anthony, Staff member of the Office of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, National Security Council, from 1969 until April 1970
- Latimer, Thomas K., Member of the National Security Council Staff from 1970 until 1972
- Lehman, John F., Jr., Member of the Planning Group, National Security Council Staff from 1969; National Security Council Staff Member responsible for Congressional Liaison, 1971–1972
- Lincoln, George A., Director of the Office of Emergency Planning from 1969
- Lord, Winston, Member of the National Security Council Planning Staff and Group from January 1969 until 1970; Member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (United Nations Affairs) from September 1969 until 1970; Staff member of the Office of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1970
- Lynn, Laurence E., Jr., Assistant for Programs and then Director of the Program Analysis Staff, National Security Council Staff, from January 1969 until September 1970
- Macomber, William B., Jr., Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations until October 1969; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration from October 1969 until July 1971; thereafter Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management
- Marshall, Andrew W., Consultant to the National Security Council from 1970; Director of the Net Assessment Group, National Security Council Staff, from November 1971
- Mayo, Robert P., Director of the Bureau of the Budget from January 1969 until July 1970; Counselor to the President during July 1970
- McCracken, Paul W., Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers from January 1969 until November 1971
- McManis, David Y., Member of the National Security Council Staff and Director of the White House Situation Room from 1969
- Meyer, Cord, Assistant Deputy Director for Plans, Central Intelligence Agency
- Mills, Wilbur, Democratic Representative from Arkansas; Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee
- Mitchell, John, Attorney General from January 1969 until February 1972
- Moorer, Admiral Thomas H.,USN, Chief of Naval Operations until July 1970; thereafter Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Moot, Robert C., Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
- Morris, Roger, Member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (Africa) from January 1969 until April 1970; Member of the National Security Council Planning Group from September 1969 until April 1970
- Nutter, G. Warren, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs from March 1969
- Odeen, Philip A., Director of the Program Analysis Staff, National Security Council Staff, from November 1971
- Olmsted, Mary S., President of the Ad Hoc Committee to Improve the Status of Women in the Foreign Affairs Agencies from July to November 1970; President of the Women’s Action Organization from November 1970 to 1972; Special Assistant to the Director General of the Foreign Service, 1971; Deputy Director for Personnel Management Services, Office of the Director General, 1971–1972; thereafter Deputy Director of Personnel Policy, Classification, and Evaluation, Office of the Director General
- Osgood, Robert E., Assistant for Programs, National Security Council Staff, from January 1969; Director of the National Security Council’s Planning Group, 1969–1970
- Packard, David, Deputy Secretary of Defense from January 1969 until December 1971
- Peck, Edward L., Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from January 1971
- Pedersen, Richard F., Counselor for the Department of State from January 1969
- Peterson, Peter G., Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs and Executive Director of the Council on International Economic Policy from February 1971 until February 1972; thereafter Secretary of Commerce
- Proctor, Edward W., Assistant Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, until May 1971; thereafter Deputy Director for Intelligence
- Pursley, Lt. Gen. Robert E., USAF, Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense until 1972
- Richardson, Elliot L., Under Secretary of State from January 1969 until June 1970; thereafter Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
- Rimestad, Idar, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration until October 1969
- Rodman, Peter W., Member of the Planning Group, National Security Council Staff, from 1969 until 1970; thereafter Staff member of the Office of the Assistant for National Security Affairs
- Rogers, William P., Secretary of State from January 1969
- Ruser, Claus W., Deputy Staff Director, Under Secretaries Committee, Department of State, from February 1969 and then Member of the Planning and Coordination Staff; Deputy Director for Policy Analysis and Resources, Policy and Coordination Staff, from 1971
- Rush, Kenneth, Ambassador to Germany from July 1969 to February 1972; thereafter Deputy Secretary of Defense
- Samuels, Nathaniel, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs from April 1969 until May 1972
- Saunders, Harold H., Member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (Near East and South Asia) from January 1969
- Schlesinger, James R., Assistant Director, Bureau of the Budget, from January 1969 until June 1970; Assistant Director, Office of Management and Budget, from July 1970 until August 1971; thereafter Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission
- Shakespeare, Frank J., Jr., Director of the United States Information Agency from February 1969
- Shultz, George, Secretary of Labor from January 1969 until June 1970; Director, Office of Management and Budget, from July 1970 until May 1972; thereafter Secretary of the Treasury and Assistant to the President
- Smith, Abbot E., Chairman of the Board of National Estimates, Central Intelligence Agency, until April 16, 1971
- Smith, Gerard C., Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency from February 1969
- Smith, K. Wayne, Director of the National Security Council’s Program Analysis Staff from 1970 to November 1971
- Smith, R. Jack, Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, until May 1971
- Smyser, W. Richard, Member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (East Asia) from January 1970 until 1971
- Sneider, Richard L., Member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (East Asia) from January 1969 until September 1969; Deputy Chief of Mission in Japan from September 1969 until July 1972; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from August 1972
- Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, Member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (Europe) from January 1969
- Spiers, Ronald I., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Politico-Military Affairs, Department of State, from August to September 1969; thereafter Director of the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs
- Stans, Maurice H., Secretary of Commerce from January 1969 until January 1972; thereafter Chairman of the Finance Committee to Re-Elect the President
- Stevenson, John R., Legal Adviser of the Department of State from July 1969
- Sullivan, William C., Assistant Director (Domestic Intelligence), Federal Bureau of Investigation until July 1970; Assistant to the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, from July 1970 until 1971
- Sullivan, William H., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs from April 1969
- Taylor, General Maxwell, USA, Chairman of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Board until April 1970
- Timmons, William, Deputy Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations from January 1969 to February 1970; thereafter Assistant to the President for Congressional Relations
- Trezise, Philip H., Representative to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, until July 1969; Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs from July 1969 until November 1971
- Tucker, Gardiner L., Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Analysis from January 1970
- Tweedy, Bronson, Deputy to the Director of Central Intelligence for National Intelligence Programs Evaluation from January 1971 to March 1972; thereafter Deputy to the Director of Central Intelligence for the Intelligence Community
- Vaky, Viron P., Member of the National Security Council Operations Staff (Latin America) from January 1969 until October 1970
- Veliotes, Nicholas A., Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of State from September 1970 until July 1972; thereafter Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of State
- Walters, Lieutenant General Vernon A., USA, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence from May 1972
- Watts, William, National Security Council Staff Secretary from 1969 until April 1970
- Weinberger, Casper W., Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget, from July 1970 until May 1972; thereafter Director
- Wheeler, General Earle G., USA, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff until July 1970
- White, Lawrence K., Executive Director-Comptroller, Central Intelligence Agency, until January 10, 1972
- Ziegler, Ronald L., White House Press Secretary from January 1969