73. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the Station in the Congo1
Dir 24946 (Out 72868). 1. Per oral discussions with you HQS, this is to confirm Leop authorized expend up to [number not declassified] dollars in clandestine support [cryptonym not declassified] operations. These funds to provide military support for [cryptonym not declassified]2 ops (purchase of arms, commo equipment, transport, etc) as well as to influence loyalty of GOC military personnel and to bribe [less than 1 line not declassified] military and civilian personnel. Sum authorized is in addition to [cryptonym not declassified] expenditures already authorized for purely political and propaganda ops.
2. You are instructed advise [name not declassified] (and other [cryptonym not declassified] leaders at your discretion) of authorization assist them in their efforts to establish GOC control over Congo. You will point out this aid is proof ODYOKE continues support efforts and objectives of [cryptonym not declassified] leaders. In discussing aid to be provided, proceed as follows:
A. Advise them you have authority expend immediately substantial sum on this operation and believe more funds can be obtained if necessary after discussion and review their needs. If pressed you may explain initial authority is for [number not declassified] dollars.
[Omitted here is additional discussion of this program.]
5. All major steps in implementing this program will be coordinated with Chief [U.S. Embassy].
[Omitted here is additional discussion of this program.]
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency Files, Job 82–00450R, Box 6, Folder 7, 40 Committee, Congo (K), 1960–1964. Secret; Rybat;[cryptonym not declassified]; Routine. Drafted and released in draft by Bissell; coordinated in draft with Fields.↩
- In telegram 0822, February 14, the Chief of Station informed the Central Intelligence Agency that after discussing telegram 24946 with Ambassador Timberlake he had briefed [text not declassified] regarding the authorization. [text not declassified] was most appreciative and said that without U.S. support “would not be able continue effort resist Gizenga forces”; he continued to believe that a military solution was the only hope of ousting the Gizenga regime. [text not declassified] also stated that he had no definite information on Lumumba’s execution other than the fact that Mobutu had warned him late in January that Lumumba had been executed. (Ibid., Job 78–00435R, DDO/ISS Files, Box 1, Folder 6, [cryptonym not declassified] Ops)↩