70. Telegram From [location not declassified] to the Central Intelligence Agency1
0370. Ref: Leop 0785 (In 43482).2
[less than 1 line not declassified] has collected various conflicting reports re Lumumba. Three reports obtained week of 6 Feb indicated he dead, two of these reports said he killed by man whose whole family were killed by Lumumbists in July. On other hand [name not declassified] (Turkish refugee from Luluabourg) swore he had seen and talked to repentant Lumumba 5 Feb. On balance believe [less than 1 line not declassified]3 more likely than [name not declassified] story but do not have enough firm data for good intel report.
End of message.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency Files, [text not declassified], Folder 3. Secret; Routine. Received at 1952Z. Repeated to Leopoldville.↩
- Stated that Kazadi claims he saw the execution of Lumumba. [Footnote in the original.] Regarding this telegram, see footnote 3 to Document 68.↩
- See Document 68.↩