6. Editorial Note
At a meeting of the National Security Council’s 5412 Committee on June 30, 1960, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Cable made the following comments on the Congo, according to a memorandum for the record prepared the same day:
Gen. Cabell mentioned briefly the fact of the election of Joseph Ileo to the Presidency of the Congo Senate, [text not declassified]. He indicated that we in no way intend to claim full credit for this election but, particularly in view of the very close contest, we might have had some effect; and in any case we may have secured some influence with this potentially useful individual. (National Security Council, Intelligence Files, NSC 5412/2 Special Group, Minutes & Agendas, 1960)
In Dispatch [text not declassified] from Leopoldville to the Central Intelligence Agency, July 1, 1960, the Chief of Station wrote that although Lumumba forces had gained a 74 to 58 majority in the election [Page 12] for President of the Chamber of Representatives and thereby had wrested from Joseph Kasavubu the authorization to form a government, the margin had narrowly tilted the other way (41–30 on the third ballot) in the Senate, with [text not declassified] Joseph Ileo becoming President of that body. This meant that Patrice Lumumba had not been able to put his own man in as Chief of State, since a two-thirds majority in both houses in joint session was required. Lumumba ultimately supported Joseph Kasavubu. The Chief of Station warned, however, that as Chief of State, Kasavubu posed a continuing threat which Lumumba, “aiming at a dictatorship,” could not long tolerate. (Central Intelligence Agency Files, Job 82–00450R, Box 6, Folder 6, Leopoldville, 3 Feb 54–Dec 65, [cryptonym not declassified])