26. Memorandum for the Record1

[Omitted here is discussion of unrelated matters.]

6. Airplanes for Katanga

Mr. Irwin said that the U.S. Air Attaché to the Union of South Africa had reported a request from Comdt. Hirsch, a Belgian military advisor to the Katanga Government, for covert assistance in obtaining aircraft. The Group agreed that such action would not be appropriate at this time, in view of U.S. backing of the proposition that aid to any part of the Congo should be funneled through the U.N. Mr. Dulles said, however, that this is something that we would want to have as much information on as possible from the attaché, against the eventuality that Lumumba should return to power.

TA Parrott
  1. Source: National Security Council, Intelligence Files, NSC 5412/2 Special Group, Minutes and Agendas, 1960. Secret; Eyes Only.