240. Editorial Note
In telegram 2670 [text not declassified], August 25, 1964, [text not declassified] in Leopoldville reported on his private talks with [text not declassified] on August 14 and 21. He told [text not declassified] that [text not declassified] was reviewing its funding of RADECO (Rassemblement des Démocrates Congolaise, a coalition of some 50 small political groups which had elected Adoula its president in June 1964) and was reluctant to continue supporting an operation which apparently had contributed to dividing moderate political forces. Adoula’s only hope was to try to bring as many moderates into the party as possible. [text not declassified] reaction was “a hurt and pained one.” He reviewed at length [text not declassified] close cooperation with the U.S. Government, pointing out that [text not declassified] had often taken unpopular positions in its support. After much talk, however, [text not declassified] admitted he did not know how he could get many other leaders into [Page 347] the party, but pointed out that a cessation of funding would put [text not declassified] in an embarrassing, almost untenable, position as it would mean a complete breakdown of the party organization; and [text not declassified]. (Central Intelligence Agency Files, Job 78–00435R, DDO/ISS Files, Box 2, Folder 11, [cryptonym not declassified] Operations)
[text not declassified] responded that it did not intend to continue funding RADECO but would provide short-term support to [name not declassified] to enable him to maintain a personal political presence. (Ibid.)