368. Editorial Note

President Johnson raised the subject of Jordan and Israel during a telephone conversation with Arthur Goldberg at 5:40 p.m. on December 13, 1966. After discussion of unrelated subjects, he asked Goldberg if “they” had checked with him about Jordan and Israel, stating that he had told them not to do anything for India, Pakistan, Jordan, and Israel without checking with him.

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Goldberg replied that they had, that Katzenbach had given Johnson a memorandum of the conversation (presumably Document 365) and that he was seeing Ambassador Harman on December 16.

Johnson said, “What we’ll do is, the proper time, we won’t be chintzy with them, we’ll go back to Africa or something else. We can’t make a deal, but I just think they’re damn fools to let that Hussein get thrown out.”

Goldberg replied, “Well I think they know that, and I’ll be glad to talk to them.”

Johnson indicated his approval, and after brief comments on unrelated subjects, the conversation concluded. (Johnson Library, Recordings and Transcripts, Conversation Between President Johnson and Ambassador Goldberg, December 13, 1966, Tape F6612.02, Side A, PNO 3)