251. Airgram From the Embassy in Korea to the Department of State0
G–101. Ref.: G–99, November 26, 1958.1 Battle over National Security Law revision intensified as Government and Opposition gird for showdown with no compromise solution in sight. State Council November 27 issued lengthy statement signed by all Ministers urging passage measure as ROK “changed in life-and-death struggle for freedom against North Korean Communist puppet regime” and existing laws inadequate deal completely with agents “whose subversive activities so extensive and whose skills becoming perfected.” Rhee statement following day, while not specifically mentioning National Security Law, cited individuals who “not aware of fact that freedom and [Page 512] independence cannot be well protected without a solid Government” and was generally interpreted as designed rally support for measure. President’s statement strongly criticized by Opposition which claimed only real way fight subversion is to guarantee basic democratic rights.
Meanwhile, Democratic plan hold November 29 public meeting in Seoul oppose National Security Law revision was frustrated by November 28 action Metropolitan Police Director banning all outdoor gatherings in Seoul area on ground police had uncovered information of “major Communist plot subvert country.” DP planning interpellate Home Minister, demanding he provide more detailed justification ban.
National Assembly reconvened December 1 uneasy atmosphere, discussed renewed DP demands National Defense and Home Affairs Committees as well as Legislation–Justice Committee, hold hearings on National Security Law revision. Tenseness heightened by controversy, closely linked National Security measure struggle, over unification policy and Liberal Party plan question DP Supreme Commissioner Cho2 on whether, as LP committee has concluded, the DP’s unification formula involves “the destruction of the ROK constitution and the disbanding of the National Assembly.” LP appears determined push formation both inside and outside Assembly of “Anti-Communist Fighting Committee” which DP continues fear may become terror group. Organization, designed promote passage Government measure, expected begin operations December 2, numbering among leaders influential Independent Assemblyman Chang T’aek-sang who has made complete about-face by quitting his position as one of leaders DP-formed united front combat National Security Law revision.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 795B.00/12-258. Confidential.↩
- Document 249.↩
- Cho Pyong-ok.↩