243. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Korea0

149. Also pass CINCUNC. Department concerned AP story datelined Seoul October 11 quoting President Rhee as saying in his budget message reduction ROK forces “is being suspended” because allies now realize danger cutting troop strength.1 There is no change in US position regarding ROK force reduction to which ROK with President Rhee’s approval has already agreed. Reply to ROK counter-proposal on revised Appendix B in clearance process and will be transmitted soonest. In meantime you should reaffirm our position to President Rhee emphasizing US Government considers ROK agreement to force reduction is firm.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 895B.10/10–1558. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Barbis and cleared by Parsons and Robertson, and by McCormick in OASD/ISA/FE. Repeated to CINCPAC for POLAD.
  2. The Washington Post carried this story on October 12. In an October 13 memorandum to Assistant Secretary Robertson, NA Deputy Director Bane provided an additional perspective on the statement by President Rhee. (Ibid., 795.00/10-1358) See Supplement.